Requests! (Closed)

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Ayy guys! How'd you like the oneshot series? I'm so sorry it took so long to complete. I was originally gonna have the last chapter out literally in December in time for Christmas. yeah right. Please forgive me!

But hey, now that it is finished, you can send in requests! Let me know what ya wanna do.

What I will do:


One shots


One shot series, like the one before

Gore, within reason. Not too too bloody.

I can write bad endings and such if you really want

I can also mention sensitive subjects within reason, but not within the actual story if you know what I mean

What I will not do:

Smut, because Millie is underage

Too gory stuff

Anything to do with fetishes

Anything nsfw basically, you get the idea.

I can't write in detail sensitive subjects either

And you can request anything! Any gender, any idea. Literally anything. Besides the stuff above. Send in your requests people! If you do request a one shot or a one shot series, I do have to ask for at least a description on what you want to happen in said one shot. But that's it! Happy requesting!

And I just wanna say, thank you guys so so much for the support you've been giving! Really, I didn't think this book would get this big but thank you! ♥

Millie Fitzsimmons x Reader shiteWhere stories live. Discover now