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I wasn't here for a second and she got hurt! By some horny fuckers! I swear in the moment I wanted to kill theses guys but there would be to much evidence of me and the guys being here.

Rumors of me and serenity dating have been going around iv done nothing to stop them simply because I don't care me and her know the trust that's all that matters.

But I can't lie about being really protective over her she reminds me of my sister who sadly passed away.

It took me a while to clean myself up I don't want serenity seeing all this blood but knowing how she looked last time I saw her it's most likely she's passed out somewhere.

I called grey and the others to find out where they had taken her "where is she" I asked wiping the blood from my face " where taking her to the main house Up in grey's room I thought that's what you would want"

"Want what exactly?"

"For her and grey to have some alone time" mike replied "that's the opposite" I sighed picking up the phone "but-

"Mike, he looked her..... we're over thinking it most likely"

"Overthinking? Even when he grabbed her so you didn't touch her?"

"Drop it I'll take her back when I get there" I responded before hanging up so he couldn't answer back.


This pisses me off why am I stuck taking care of a 17 year old I could be doing better things like talking care of my mafia not some fucking kid.

Why does Sam even like her she's to innocent for our world wasn't Sam's type a girl who's badass, tall and a dark kind of style serenity's the total opposite.

"Your staring again" mike chuckles "shut the fuck up" I replied angrily looking out the window.

I see trees start to surround us indicating that we're close to home just then serenity starts she turn in her sleep before opening her eyes.

I meet her bright green eyes that look like she's about to cry any minute now, we stare at each other for a little while before she lays her head on my chest getting as close as she could sending a senses of warmth through my body.

"Where am I?" She ask sounding weak " our house Sam will be here soon" serenity eyes wide with fear before shooting up "Sam where is he! Is he hurt!" She scream.

"he's fine I just got off the phone with him" mike answers with wide eyes "call him back I want to talk to him"

"Look serenity I swear-

"Call him back!" She yells with tears in her eyes before mumbling a quiet please, mike pulls out his phone before dialing Sam's number handing it over to serenity when he was done.

"Hey kitten" serenity breaths a sigh of relief before asking where he was " Uber I'm coming to where you are babe"

My heart tightened at the world babe I don't understand why so I just decided to ignore the strange feeling my heart just made "will you be long"

"Nope I'm almost there when I get there you'll be the first person I talk to"

"Ok be safe love you"

"Love you too".

With that she hung up the phone before say a fast thank you to mike "I'm sorry for yelling I was just worried"

Everyone nods their heads a simple way of us saying we understand after apologizing serenity sits back into the middle with her head down.

I hate to say it but I couldn't see her like this all sad and depressed I grab my phone opening it before handing it over to her I didn't have much on it so I opened YouTube for her to watch something.

Her head lifted when her eyes landed on my phone in front of her she was hesitant in grabbing it making me have to push it closer.

She grabbed my phone saying a small thank you before typing in some kind of Channel, couple minutes had past of silence and serenity being on my phone her head laying on my arm took my out of my thoughts.

She looked up at me like she was asking permission to lay on me I simple turned my head away not really caring but I couldn't shake a hot feeling on my face.

"We're here!" I stepped out the car holding the door open for serenity to get out of she got out the car giving me a small thanks before looking around her eyes lighting up when she finds who she's looking for.

Sam sits at the front door smiling when serenity eyes land on him he quickly gets up and begins walking over to her when they meet serenity jumps into his arms spinning her around before kissing her forehead.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up" he says finally putting her down.

Alright maybe I take it back there's something deeper about my feelings for serenity but I can't allow them to get out I know a little while ago I said we were over reacting about grey looking at serenity but....... I can't shake this feeling they could be something.

I see the way grey looks at serenity but he's to stupid to see it himself, I don't know if serenity feels something it's hard to tell because naturally she has a friendly personality.

Maybe just enjoying her company would be the best thing to do kiss her while I can, hug her even simple holding her knowing the reason she's smiling is because of me.

"Serenity" I called out to see a tiny head pop in the door way "yes" she says walking up to me without thinking I grab her waist laying one was kiss to her lips before pulling back.

Her face turns into a bright shade of red before she covers her face with her hands I slowly raised my hands before removing hers from her face.

While holding onto her hands I kiss her lips deepening the kiss as time goes on.

I suck at this! No I literally mean it I suck at kissing! Sam's taking the full lead it's more then embarrassing but I can't pull back because of his hand places on the back of my head.

But right now I really need some air! I use all my strength to push Sam off of me trying to take in the air that I had lost "I'm sorry" he says trying to take in as much air as he could.

"N-no I'm o-ok just a little sho-shock"

"I should have asked permission"

"No! It's ok I-

"No...... I know you probably don't feel the same but I just wanted to feel your lips even if it's just one time"

"You've been very nice to me........ I'm not sure of my feelings but I hope our friendship doesn't end"

A smile makes its way on his face "so your saying time will tell" Sam asked pulling me in by my waist

I shyly nod my head while looking down theses moments make me shyer then ever, He pulls me onto my lap making me turn redder then before "I won't lie about my feelings for you kitten and since that is I don't want any man touching you again that including your work friend"

"What but he's my friend he'll be sad!"

"I don't care hugs are the best he's getting from you" Sam say with a stern look making me pout before nodding.

I'm not sure of my feelings for Sam yet but something there hopefully he doesn't leave like everyone else.

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