chapter 5; lost flame

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Dawdling through the Red Cross charity shop, Nora stopped near the coat rack when she heard someone mention the girl in the canal. She watched the small television screen that sat at the back of the counters, partially blocked by two employees.

Foul play was mentioned.

The words entangled themselves within her mind. She wasn't expecting it. She didn't think anyone did, judging by the sudden whispers. She looked away from the screen to distract herself. Somehow she felt compelled to buy something, even if she didn't need anything.

Her fingers found themselves wrapped around a small scarecrow that carried a tiny black bird on its arm. She ran her thumb over the rope detail around his waist, lost in deep thought.

It had been almost a week since she'd seen the thing in the window. Though she didn't have any more sightings, she still heard strange noises every night. They travelled upstairs from the kitchen, always the same. A constant sinister presence making itself known.

Nora didn't believe in the supernatural or paranormal just as many others didn't. If she did, she may not have been so scared. But truth was, she avoided walking near the door when she could and locked her bedroom door every night.

"You ready?" the lady at the counter asked.

She looked back at her, quickly remembering that she was the only customer.

"That will be £2," the cashier said, bagging it for her.

Nora swiped her card and left with her new friend.

She walked down the street, past other shops. Aimlessly, she entered a bookshop that also sold stationary and art supplies. Nora wasn't very gifted when it came to art. But it didn't dampen her appreciation and intrigue for it.

The shop was a little more cluttered than she remembered but she took her time to browse, wishfully.

"What's that?" someone asked from beside her.

Nora turned slightly to see Elijah. He still charmingly wore the same black long coat and scarf. She followed his gaze to the scarecrow in her hand and smiled bashfully.

"Bernard?" she asked, holding it up for him to see.

"Bernard?" he resisted a smile.

"Yeah well," she began as she put it into her bag. "Just got him."

He nodded, slowly. Nora was embarrassed but tried not to make it too obvious.

"What are you doing here?" she changed the topic, folding her arms over her chest.

"I had to get some supplies," he answered, simply.

Nora looked at the bag in his hand, "Cool."

"What about you?" he asked. "I find it hard that you came all the way here from your grandmother's just for ol' Bernard."

Nora pursed her lips, trying to come up with a response. Elijah laughed, his voice deep and pleasant to listen to.

"Would you like to grab some coffee? I was headed out anyway," he asked her after a moment, trying to judge what she was thinking.

Nora was surprised he asked. She had expected him to be more awkward but he seemed fine. Nora, on the other hand, couldn't say the same about herself. The past was like glue that had dried in her hair, shadowing her ever since she'd seen him near the canal. She feared that cutting it out entirely was the only way she'd get rid of the nervousness.
It disappointed her that she hadn't really matured in that time, not as much as she thought she had anyway. It appeared that he'd moved on much more gracefully than she had.

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