chapter 17

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"BOYS!" I yelled, covered in blue paint. It was that last week of summer break and Lee was staying with us at the burrow. Lee came running out of the twins room, which is where he was staying.

"Woah." Lee said, after he saw me.

"Fred! George!" I yelled, knowing it was the twins that had done this. So, basically, I opened my bedroom door to go downstairs for breakfast, when a bucket full of paint fell on my head.

I walked down stairs, with Lee following me, to find the twins sitting at the table smirking at me.

"Um, Mrs. Weasley." Lee said trying to get Mum's attention.

"Yes, dear?" She asked, turning around.

"What on earth happened?" She asked once she saw me covered in paint. The twins paled.

"A bucket of paint fell on my head when I opened my bedroom door." I said.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley! George Fabian Weasley! Apologize to your sister, now. And then go clean up the mess." She said, and with a flick of her wand all the paint disappeared. I smiled when she called me 'your sister'.

"Sorry." They mumbled, before heading upstairs to clean up.

"Is Ginny awake, yet?" Mum asked.

"Nope." I said.

"OK, you two better eat before your food gets cold." She said, handing us each a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks, Mum." I said at the same time Lee said, "Thanks, Mrs Weasley."

After we finished our breakfast we decided to go swimming in the lake. We walked back to our rooms to get changed.

"Hey, Gin. Me and Lee are going to go swimming, do you want to come too?" I asked as I grabbed my swimsuit.

"Sure." She said, changing into a purple one piece.

"Ready?" I asked after we had changed.

"Yup." She said.

We walked out of our room to be met by Ron.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked.

"We're going to go swimming, if you go get changed you can come with us." I said, and he raced off to put on his swim trunks.

Me and Ginny walked downstairs to meet Lee.

"We're waiting on Ron, then we can go." I said.

"OK." He said, and moments later Ron came running down the stairs.

"Let's go!" Ginny said, jumping on my back. I laughed as Ron did the same to Lee.

"Mum, we're going to the lake." I said, poking my head into the kitchen.

"OK, have fun!" She said.

We walked to the lake and were there in less thank 5 minutes. The younger two jumped off of our backs and ran into the water, splashing each other. After a few minute they started splashing us, too. It quickly turned into a splash war with me and Lee, versus Ginny and Ron. Eventually the younger ones got tired and we carried them back to the house. Mum chuckled when she saw us

"Wore them out, didn't you?" She said, smiling.

"Yeah, they wore us out, too." Lee joked.

"I'm sure." She said, and with a flick of her wand, we were all dried off.

"Take them upstairs." She said.

Lee and I carried the two to their rooms, before crashing in his.

"That was fun." I said.

"Mhm." Lee mumbled, hugging me to his chest and falling asleep. I chuckled and kissed his cheek before climbing out of his grasp and going to my own room to get changed. I then walked downstairs.

"Where's Lee?" Fred asked as he and George walked up to me.

"He's asleep in your room." I said, before walking away to help Mum make lunch.

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