Chapter 13 ~A war finally started~

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"Onii-chan you look good!" Natsu thumbs up. "I look good? I LOOK GOOD?!?!! STOP JOKING AROUND NATSU! I LOOK TERRIBLE!" Shoyo looks at himself in the mirror.

He was wearing a pink frilly dress, with heavy make up on and a weird hairstyle. "Whaaat?? But you look amazing! Pft-..." Natsu covers her mouth.

"YOU!-" Shoyo gets interrupted by their Mom coming inside the room. "It's time to eat dinn--" Mama Fuyumi looks at Shoyo up and down. "Uh....Wow...You look great son." Mama Fuyumi thumbs up. "SHUT UP!!" Shoyo snapped. "Onii-chan snapped/Shoyo snapped-" They sweatdropped.


ZzzzZzzzzzzZzzzz.......Shoyo was sleeping peacefully on his floofy bed. Since its saturday, he doesn't need to wake up early.

''I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Shoyo laughed while standing ontop of the earth. And all the people on Earth was bowing to him. "Yes yes! Bow to me peasants HAHAHAHAHAHA" He laughed amusingly.

"I'm so amazing! So great! So cool! So mar---"

"SHOOYOOOO MY SONNN!!!!!" Papa Alexander bangs open the poor door. "WHAT?!-" Shoyo falls off from his bed. "Old man???" Shoyo rubs his eyes. "Did you miss me my son?? I hope you weren't sad while i was gone...DON'T WORRY! I BROUGHT PRESENTS FOR YOU AND NATSU!!~" Papa Alexander hugs Shoyo tightly.

"URGH!! OLD MAN!...I CAN'T....BREATHE!" Shoyo slaps he's Father's back. "Oh! Sorry!!" Papa Alexander stops hugging Shoyo. "Geez...! I THOUGHT YOU WERE COMING BACK ON MONDAY!" Shoyo shouted.

"Oh! I finished all of my work early because i wanted to come home quickly!~✿" Papa Alexander says innocently. Shoyo sweatdrops. "ONII-CHAN!!! PAPA BROUGHT US PRESENTS! LETS OPEN THEM NOW NOW NOWWWW!!!!" Natsu shouted outside his room.

"What the......Sigh.....Geez....Why can't i have a peaceful day...?" Shoyo stands up. "Alright alright....." Shoyo yawns. Natsu grabs Shoyo and drags him to the living room. 'Geez....How can she be so strong...' Shoyo sweatdropped.

"Here here!!" Natsu points at all the gifts piling up like a mountain. "What the fu--.....Flip?..." Shoyo rubs his eyes again and looks at the gifts up and down. "That's....A lot..." Shoyo sweatdrops while looking at Natsu who dived into the presents.

"Oh dear~......Honey, you bought quite alot huh." Mama Fuyumi covers her mouth. "Mhmm!! I also bought you a present honey!" Papa Alexander grabs   Mama Fuyumi's hand. "Oh? What is it?" Mama Fuyumi tilts her head.

Papa Alexander smiles. he grabs a fancy wrapped up box from his pocket and gives it to her. Mama Fuyumi takes it and starts opening it, she gasps. "Oh wow, so beautiful..." She covers her mouth in surprise.

"Hehehe...Do ya like it??" Papa Alexander smiles brightly. "Of course! I love it!" Mama Fuyumi hugs her husband and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Papa Alexander blushes. "Eh...Uh....Ah....Uhmm...I...I'm..Glad ya like it....." Papa Alexander smiles shyly.

"Can you put it on for me?" Mama Fuyumi gives Papa Alexander the $55 million dollar L'Incomparable Necklace, he takes it. "Sure!" (I searched one of the most expensive necklace in the world by my trusty friend google-san uwu-)

Papa Alexander goes to her back and he starts putting it on her. "There!" He smiles brightly. "How do i look?" Mama Fuyumi smiles seductively at her husband. "Eh?! Uh...Uhmm..Ah..Well...You..Uh....You....Look amazing....." He rubs his nape shyly.

"Fufufufufu~.....Your so cute~" She pats his head. "I-i'm not!!" Papa Alexander protested. "Yes you are~" She kisses his cheek. "Even in bed~" She whispers to him.

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