Purgatory. Author's POVHis eyes were widen with shock and disbelief. The words his best friend spoke, echoed throughout his ears. He had to be joking right? He was only bluffing in front of his father, just so he could get his emotions back, right? Wrong. The Fox Sun coughed up blood as he received a punch to the gut.
"Meliodas" He croaked out before he was sent flying away. As he was losing blood and waiting for his immortality to kick in, he thought back. How can someone do in love, kill the same person they were in love with? Meliodas turned to his father who looked at him with keen eyes, then he scooped him up to bring him closer. He knew when his son was bluffing, and at this time he was not.
"You've waited years son, to kill her. Why?"
"I needed to gain her trust, I need her to think I was her ally. I planned this from the start."
"You are one smart boy. Now what will our sadist demon think about this?" The demon king said with a low chuckle. The two of them could sense Ban, so the demon kin granted his son some of his powers, before sending him away. Watching as he approached the demon king let out a hearty chuckle, which pissed of Ban even more than he was.
"Where is he?"
"Where do you think?" Ban's eyes widen, his friends were in danger, and he was too late to warn them. "Now to get rid of you" The demon king said seriously as he sent a deadly attack, Ban's way.
"I don't think so. Absolute Cancel" Ban turned to see his comrade, floating down next to him, saving him from death. "I heard everything Ban, no need to explain. Let's get out of here" She began her teleportation spell, before waving goodbye to the demon king.
"That treacherous woman.....I won't let her ruin what was already set in motion" Once the two were back in the overworld, there were immediately bombarded with questions. "Look, I have no time to explain, but we must protect Princess Elizabeth with our lives. We just gained a new enemy."
At the Camelot Castle, (Y/N) had just submerged into her steaming bath water. She traced her scar on her stomach, from when she gave birth to Arthur, before leaning back against the tub. She closed her eyes and began to reminisce about her time with Mael. The two had met on accident. (Y/N) was checking out the overworld, before heading back into the underworld, where the two of them bumped into each other. (Y/N) had no idea he was a goddess, let alone an archangel. Mael had completely concealed his identity from her.
She also never mentioned that she was a demon due to her assuming he was just a regular humans. Since the demons had no beef with the humans, she pursued a relationship with him. She looked forward to seeing him everyday. And soon, Arthur was on the way. She placed a hand on her stomach and opened her eyes, she hated Gowther for making her forget but she was glad at the same time. Because she found out the identity of her ex lover, and now she can do what she pleases with him.
She slowly opened her eyes and grabbed her soap and loofah, before scrubbing her body down; washing away the blood that stained her body. "I can feel you, stop lurking and come in" She spat as she peered from the side of her eyes. In came the blonde haired boy, who grew a few inches and his hair was longer.
"Meliodas? What do you want?" She asked, rinsing off her body, before letting the water out and grabbing her bath robe. "And why do you look like that" Meliodas chuckled, staring at her as she began to tend to her hair; almost ignoring that he was there.
"You don't feel the difference? My power level has gone up. You know why?" He asked and stared at her. It took her a hot minute before she guessed, "You actually did it?! My plan is almost complete"
"I'm gonna lift that curse, and kill Elizabeth" It was complete silence when he said that. She dropped her hair brush and turned to face him. "You what?" She stared at him before realizing he was serious.
"What the fuck?!" Was all she could say. When? How? Why? Were the three questions that played in her mind. Why would he want to kill the woman he supposedly loves. When did he decide this, and how come he was just telling her? Silence took over them before she finally convinced herself to speak to him.
"Meliodas. You do know what this means for the both of us right?" She asked, stepping closer to him. He nodded and spoke,
"We have to break the curse and eradicate the goddess race"

Seven Deadly Twist (Reader x Multiple)
Fanfiction|| "Tell me Meliodas, why have you betrayed us, including HER? "I hate you & the goddess race, when we meet again, we'll be meeting as enemies" "You said you LOVED ME. Why'd ya have to lie?" || a little twist on the story. oh & don't read this arou...