Chapter 7

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The sun beamed through the window of Alice's bedroom. Alice groaned as her hips still hurt from the other day, as Alice turned over to look at the time she saw that it was 12pm. Omg! She thought , how could she sleep in like this when she wanted to make breakfast for her parents.

As she walked down the stairs, she was surprised to see her parents doing chores and they both smiled as they looked up at their daughter. They were so proud of how she could pick herself back up before falling even lower. 

So ,Alice hasn't got the best grades ,but lets be honest , she didn't think that it was right for a human to be judged by a number/letter/percentage, it wasn't on for her . 

As Alice walked to the kitchen to make avocado on toast ,she listen to her parents conversation.  

Parents conversation



M-when will she realise that if she wants a boyfriend she needs to eat healthy

F- How could you say such as thing about our daughter like that, you need to remember that when you were age you were indeed on the same path at her so you have no right in being all judgy , when you are talking to yourself in a different generation.  

Alice was gobsmacked, her own mother ,the woman she looked up to since she was born ,thought that she need to eat more healthy. Well I'll show you, Alice thought.  

Hope's POV

While Alice was having a weird conversation, hope was in her car on the way to see someone.  That someone was Jake. Jake and hope were something, but there was something Jake wasn't telling her . Jake hadn't admitted he was bi. He was determined to tell hope today that's who is was. 

Jake's POV

Hope had just arrived and I was nervous as anything . 

H- hey j

J-hey bubs

J-I have to tell you something so ,come sit here -he said as he patted the spot next to him.


J-i'm just going to say it like ripping a band aid off ,right.......... hope I am bi!

H- Omg I'm happy for you and so proud, but do you still think that this (pointing between each other ) will still be a thing??

J- of course, you will always be my good girl

Jake was so happy he had finally told her. 

Alice's POV

Alice had been getting up early every morning to go on a long dog walk,the she would come back home to have a fruit salad ,the for lunch a plain leafy salad and for dinner , fish and rice. Alice was eating healthy and her mother still thought she needed to watch her weight.

Everyone around Alice had realised that she wasn't her normal self ,at lunch she usually would be the one to start the conversations and now everyone else had to come up with the starter conversations. Everyone decided that it was best if Frank spoke privately to her ,so he could be there for her after she had be opened once again to him.

Frank's POV

i had an idea that i was going to message Alice for us to meet at my rugby pitch which was close to her house ,in case she wanted a quick exit. 

Text messages between Alice and frank

Alice-hey ,i'm sorry 

Frank-hey bubs:) what for?

Alice-i just felt like i needed to say i was sorry ,i guess

Frank-its ok,are you free in 15 mins

Alice-yeah sure ,where?

Frank-at my rugby pitch bout 6 mins away from your house



Frank was already there when i had arrived ,i felt like this was a set up for something but i wasn't sure of what exactly what.

Frank had his arms wide open and i ran straight into them and even jumped up to wrap my legs around his torso, as i did that ,i let all my emotions come spilling out . For about an hour all you could hear was loud and heart aching sobs coming from Alice. Frank kept moving her hair out of her face ,and calmly whispered in her ear'Hey, bubs let me know when you want to talk and i shall me all ears for you ,ok? He shortly than heard 'thank you babe'.....

Right so i'm going to leave this chapter on a cliffhanger as i want you guys to have some suspense .

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