"You have to go in the boats with the first years." Seamus said.
"Ok, but can you take my wand? I don't want it to get wet." I asked, handing him my wand.
"Sure, I'll see ya in the Great Hall." Seamus said before walking away to join some of his friends in the pouring rain.
I followed Hagrid to the boats and climbed in one with two little boys. The boys were like excited puppies, bouncing around, eyes wide. One leaned a little too far over the edge and fell into the water. I gasped but without hesitation dove in after him. We both surfaced and I drug the boy towards the boat, helping him in before pulling myself up.
"Yer okay back there?" Hagrid yelled from the front.
"Yeah, just a little soggy." I hollered back, earning a giggle from the eleven year olds.
We eventually reached the other side of the lake. I climbed out of the boat first to help Hagrid get the kids out and hurry them inside. Professor Auntie Minerva met us inside the door. After her short speech, even though nobody was listening, she led us into the hall. Everyone stared at us as we trooped in. I smiled and waved when I caught Seamus's eye, causing him to return both gestures.
The hat sang some song before Auntie Minerva spoke.
"We will start with a new student who will be joining our third years. Black, Carina." She spoke.
The crowd gasped.
"Yeah, yeah. I know that I'm awesome." I joked, walking up to the stool.
Uncle Rem shot me a look, which I returned with an eyeroll. When I sat down on the stool the hat was placed on my head.
"Much like your father. Sassy, brave, powerful, snarky, a bit of a smartass-" The hat spoke.
"Wow, thanks." I mumbled, chuckling.
"I know just where to put you-GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled.
I smiled, hopping off of the stool and walking over to Seamus as the table cheered.
"You're soaked!" Seamus exclaimed.
"Oh, yeah!" I snapped my fingers and I was completely dry. His two friends stared in shock but I spoke before the could say anything.
"Hang on, one second." I said.
I stood up and waved my hand in the direction of the first years, who became instantly dry. They looked around in shock while Dumbledore smiled.
"Thank you for drying our young ones, Miss Black." The old man said.
I nodded before sitting back down.
"You might want this." Seamus said, handing me my wand.
"Thanks." I said, sticking it in my boot.
"Creevey, Dennis." Mcgonagall called.
The kid from the boat walked up to the stool.
"I had to pull that kid from the lake." I grumbled, earning a laugh from the three boys.
The sorting continued until, finally, food appeared

The Daughter Of A Black (A Seamus Finnigan Love Story) (On Hiatus)
FanfictionCarina Black has lived with her godfather, Remus, since her father, Sirius, had been sent to Azkaban about twelve years ago. Remus has homeschooled Carina her whole life. When Remus gets a job at Hogwarts, he takes the 13 year old girl with him to...