hello hello

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Erwin and Dr. Zoë were standing outside Connie's room and you watched them converse quietly with one another. They ended up giving him another medicine to make him more sleepy so he wouldn't be such a risk to himself.

You sat on the edge of the bed, watching Connie with a smile as he kept mumbling "My Heart Will Go On" in the most dramatic way he physically could at the moment. There were some grand hand gestures and an impressive amount of dynamics. You never knew he was such a musical guy. Granted, his singing wasn't that great, but you had to give him the points for artistic style.

"Connie, shh, you really need to be quiet," you giggled silently, trying to get him to stop singing because the nurses at the station were beginning to eye you two. You knew they'd come in here to tell him the same thing, it was only a matter of time.

"But I like to sing," he argued back and you shrugged, leaning towards him, saying "Well you're not the only patient in this hospital."

He frowned at that, but he quieted down and sooner or later finally fell back asleep. You heard the door open and watched Erwin and Dr. Zoë come back into the room. They briefly updated you on their plans and asled if you needed anything else before leaving. You politely declined and said goodbye to them for the night, now sitting in the silence as Connie slept.

You pulled up a chair and placed it right by the bed, resting your arms and head on the side rail. You didn't know why'd you been here all day, but going home just felt wrong. With whatever happened to Connie's family, you didn't feel right leaving him here alone, so you volunteered to stay. You watched him as he rested and felt your own eyelids begin to grow heavy.

"That's cute," you heard Marco's warm voice and you snapped up, suddenly wide awake. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as you knew he'd been watching you stare at Connie. How awkward was that? Very.

Marco chuckled a bit before entering the room and sitting down on the edge of the bed. Connie was out like a light, so you weren't worried he'd wake up at all.

"Please don't say anything. Your face says it all," you grumbled and rubbed your face, realizing just how exhausted you were.

"Why don't you take some time to rest. I'll watch over him," Marco suggested and gestured towards the couch for you to rest on.

"Well, Dr. Ackerman does want me to relax, so it wouldn't hurt to get some rest," you agreed and got up to move to the couch. Once you lied down, your eyes shut and sleep overtook you.


You woke up to the sound of raised voices, blinking your eyes open and seeing Marco trying to get Connie back to bed. You sat up and stretched before standing and walking over to the bed to help Marco out.

You must've slept for a while because it was dark outside and the only light available was the overhead light above the bed. There was a baking show playing on the TV, the faint voices of the competitors in the background. It looked like Connie was trying to leave the room.

"Hey! You're awake! Look, my mom has been trying to call me for the past hour and he will not stay still. Can you please watch him so I can see what she needs?" Marco pleaded and he looked so stressed out you immediately nodded your head and told him to go so he could take care of whatever was going on. Marco mouthed a thank you and briskly left the room, leaving you alone with Connie while you greatly underestimated how well that medicine was still working.

After about five minutes you were completely awake, sweating, and losing the last of your sanity. The medicine had started to wear off and he was more with it, but still loopy. It was a battle trying to keep him in the room and it's not like you had the strength to keep him back.

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