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"GAHHH!" fan yelled and testube fell onto him "WE KILLED HER!!!"


"we should probably get oj.." lightbulb rubbed her neck and tried to look away from the passed out testube

"like oj would be any help!!" paintbrush started freaking out "calm down painty she probably just freaked out when fan kissed her and fainted! we should put her in her bed and if she's not up in the morning we call an ambulance!!" lightbulb shrugged and stood up " c'mon lets just carry her to bed!"

fan sighed and him and lightbulb carried testube to bed "alright..goodnight guys" paintbrush walked to the stairs and went to their room, fan and lightbulb took the elevator.

" arms are getting tired.." fan sighed "oh, here!" lightbulb held testube, she was light because even though she had a normal diet she didnt really gain much fat.

lightbulb placed her in her bed "there ya go!" she left testubes room, fan had already gone to bed

she went into her bedroom and layed down, she went to sleep

-in the morning-
Lightbulb woke up and stretched "ah, what a normal day!" She yawned and got up to brush her hair

She never liked how long it was and she had some scissors in a drawer somewhere...

She held them in her hand and thought for a second then smiled "alright ima do it!"

She walked to her mirror and cut her hair up to the bottom of her still didn't look right...

"Hmm.." she looked to her curling iron "that'll do!"

-paintbrushes pov-

"Ugh..." I rubbed my head, its like 9am jeeze I'm tired..

I heard knocking on my door "PAINTY COME ON YOUR GONNA MISS BREAKFASTTT!!" it was lightbulb

I tied my hair up in a ponytail and threw on some clothes "I'm coming!"

I opened the door and saw lightbulb in her usual jumper, but she had a hat on? It looked like she was eager to go downstairs

"Whats with the hat?" I said as we walked down the stairs, she just laughed and said "you'll see!"

As we got into the dining room she grabbed my arm and dragged me over to sit with fan, he was comforting testube who was still panicking from the kiss.

"guess what!" She was tapping her foot, she does that when she gets exited..its kinda cute!

"What?" Testube looked up at her

She pulled off her hat, she had shorter hair and it was VERY curly "look!"

"YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!? WOAH!" fan yelled, "YERP" lightbulb yelled in response

She looked really cute with her new hairstyle..!

"Uhm- uh- you- you look really-! Cute- I mean... pretty..." I couldnt help but stutter.. she's so pretty aksbsjsbksb

"Heh! You okay? Also thanks!" She smiled at me then stuffed a strawberry in her mouth

"I'll need to update my blog!" Fan started typing on his computer

"Really? She just cut her hair?" Testube looked to his computer

"Anyway! Does anyone have sugar? I prefer sweet strawberrys, very sweet!" She smirked and put her hands on her hips like she just told everyone the answer to the biggest question ever

"Uhm...thats not very healthy but I do.." testube rummaged in her bag "here!"

"Thanks you!" She poured most of the sugar on the fruit "mmmmmm"

Testube looked at her in disgust "that's...ew.."

There was practically a pile of sugar on her food

-lightbulbs pov-

I grab a spoon and crunch into the pile of sugar...mmmmm

Its got the texture of sand!

"Your gonna get holes in your teeth stop!" Testube slides my bowl away from me

"Fine!" I stop eating and look down at my lap and frown..I love sugar

I guess paintbrush noticed because then she gave me a kiss on the head and I blushed a little

"Awww!" Fan smiled "their so cute together!" He continued, paintbrush blushed

"Anywho, apparently were having a party tonight!" Paintbrush looked to me and blushed, then smiled, they thought I didnt notice because I was taking a sip of my coke but I did~!

"Sounds fun!" I put my can down "Hm..I gotta go now!" I can tell their gonna ask me to go with them..I need to buy a good outfit!

I smile as I walk out the hotel into the town, it was just small but it had the best shops!

I go to a dress didn't feel right..they were all big and puffy and glittery...

I see a suit shop next door! Those look so comfy!

I walk in and find a PERFECT one!!!

Just as I leave I get a message..?

spin the bottle - a inanimate insanity lightbrush Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें