1K Q&A Answers

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1K followers Answers!

Jangmi (me):

1. What inspired you to write?

I have no specific inspirations. Sometimes I would just see a meme, or fanart and I would just kinda build off of that.

2. Sexuality and Pronouns?

I'm bisexual. My pronouns are she\her :)

3. Who's your favorite character in Demon Slayer?


4. Who's your favorite pillar?


5. How did you discover anime\Demon Slayer?

I grew up in Japan so anime has always been a part of my life. Any childhood shows to you guys are basically animes to me. My parents watch anime too so it's kind of hard to avoid it. It's hard to find anyone in Japan who dislikes anime. Even if they don't watch it, they respect it.

Demon Slayer is something I saw while I was looking through Instagram.

6. What's your favorite season?

P.S. I'm doing fine :)

7. If you were born in the world of Demon Slayer, who would you want as a sibling?

Honestly, anyone in Demon Slayer I wouldn't mind being my sibling. But if I had to narrow it down to one, it would be Tengen.

8. What's your top three favorite animes?

1. Hunter x Hunter
2. Demon Slayer
3. Naruto

9. What's your favorite candy?


10. Who's your least favorite Demon Slayer character?

Kyojuro's dad. I have a love-hate relationship with that dude.

11. How are you?

I'm doing fine, I'm living with my boyfriend in the suburbs for now until I'm ready to go back home to Tokyo :)

12. What is the first anime that you have ever watched?

Candy Candy

13. Who do you simp for?

My boyfriend.

14. What anime have you recently watched?

Alice in Borderland

15. What is your zodiac sign?


16. Favorite Song?

This constantly changes but at the moment, I like Dandelion by Ruth B.

17. What is your hair color?

I was born with black hair but I dyed it pink recently.

18. What's your least favorite anime?

Diabolik Lovers

19. What is your hobby?

I have a ton of hobbies...
I can play the piano, violin, guitar, bass and I play baseball and volleyball. I'm a blackbelt in Taekwondo and Aikido (courtesy of my parents).

.......I do a lot of stuff.

20. How do you (Jangmi) and your friend Aiko seem like the nicest people in the world?!

I wouldn't say we're the nicest people in the world but I just treat others the way I would want to be treated even if I don't know them.

21. Do you speak multiple languages? If so, what are they and what language is your original language?

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