the janitors closet 2.0

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*finally some smut😏*

"y/n wake up.. y/n can you hear me?" i was woken up by a familiar voice. "jade is that you?" i said, still half asleep. "no, silly. it's me" i forced my eyes open and gave my mom a slight smile before taking the cereal filled bowl and glass of orange juice out of her hands. "thanks mom" she nodded and went to walk out of the room before she quickly turned back. "you okay, love? you slept for over 16 hours" i only just realised that jade was no longer sleeping next to me. the atmosphere felt different. obviously i didn't want to worry her. "yeah i'm fine, i was just tired" "okay darling, well eat fast, school starts in an hour" fuck. i forgot about school. i had to face tori again, even though i didn't do anything i still felt an immense amount of guilt.. and jade. where did she even go? i grabbed my phone off my bedside table and texted her.

where did you go?

i was still angry at her.. but that doesn't mean i didn't care about her. almost straight away she replied.

huh? i haven't seen you all weekend. cant wait to see u today though ;)

um- what the fuck? is she acting like nothing happened. i literally saw her yesterday.. she was panicking about the whole tori situation.

jade stop fucking playing around. you can't just pretend it didn't happen.

this wasn't unusual of jade. she doesn't like talking about her problems and pretends they never even happened.

wtf are u talking about? i've been down town all weekend with my mom.

i'm so fucking confused.. is she playing a trick on me or something? i began repeating last nights events in my mind. it was all a bit blurry but i could remember the main parts. i went to school, jade tried to speak to me but i ignored her. i got home.. jade was there. we talked and she began to panic when i told her that she was basically a criminal. then we fell asleep together.. right? i couldn't be bothered arguing with her right now, i had to get ready for school.

oh ok. see you at school.

i threw on a pair of baggy ripped jeans, a nirvana tshirt and some vans and got the bus to school. i couldn't be bothered walking.
as i arrived at school, tori came up to me. she looked happy. "hey y/n!" um.. why was she acting like everything was normal. i didn't speak to her yesterday, why did she think i would speak to her today? i mean it's not like she did anything wrong.. she was the victim. "tori why are you speaking to me?" she tilted her head from confusion. "uh what? why wouldn't i speak to you?" she chuckled nervously. "i ignored all of your texts last week and i didn't speak to you yesterday" i refused to make eye contact with her. i felt so guilty. "y/n what are you talking about? it was sunday yesterday and i barely texted you last week. i only texted you to ask when we were starting our science project.. you replied saying we'll start it this week" i looked up at her worriedly. what was happening? did i dream all of this? was everyone playing a big prank on me? what the fuck was going on?! "y/n you don't look too good.. are you feeling okay?" i just shook my head and hurriedly walked off. i went into the janitors closet to calm down.
i focused on my breathing patterns until i was relaxed. okay.. jade doesn't have a clue what i'm talking about. tori doesn't have a clue what i'm talking about. my mom said i had been sleeping for over 16 hours. was it possible that i had.. dreamt it all?! i got out my phone to text jade when she burst into the janitors closet. she looked angry but when she saw me she smiled. "hey there" i didn't reply. i just looked at her, still trying to process everything. "ok are you going to tell me what's going on or are you just gonna keep acting like a weirdo?" she rolled her eyes and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me closer to her. "if you're not going to talk, i guess i'll just have to make you" she said while smirking.
her fingers traced along my belt and she took it off swiftly. she then unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. i loved when she did this. it made me forget about all of my problems. she took her pointer finger and trailed it along my underwear. "tell me" she demanded. "i- i had a really weird dream last night, it all felt so real" she looked up at me, her finger still trailing along my underwear. "continue" she demanded while taking off my underwear and placing the pad of her thumb on my sensitive spot. my body twitched at her touch but i did as she said. "i'm s- still trying to process everything, but you did something.. something bad" i was trying to contain myself. "oh really? was i naughty?" she smirked and began rubbing my clit quickly. i bit my bottom lip and nodded my head. "tell me what i did" my breathing sped up. "y- you got jealous because i was at tori's house and s- so you did something bad to her" by this point, she was laughing, but still focusing on my pussy. "don't laugh" i said, getting slightly annoyed. she pulled her fingers away from my clit and cupped my chin aggressively. "don't tell me what to do" i grunted but i nodded my head. she kissed my neck and told me to carry on. "you drugged her and stripped her naked and put your underwear in her hands to make it look like she had sex with you" i could tell she was shocked but she made a joke out of it. "were they atleast my nice panties?" i held back a smile. "yes, they were your black lace ones" she looked at me for a slight second before kissing my lips. "god i missed you" i kissed back and ran my fingers through her hair. "i missed you too"
she pulled away from the kiss and moved her mouth to my pussy. she began moving her tongue up and down and within seconds i was reaching my climax. "tell me the rest of your dream" i struggled to speak but i forced myself to. "babe slow down i- i'm gonna cum" "don't you dare. not until you've finished telling me everything" i rolled my eyes, not just from anger but from how good it felt. i continued to tell her all about my dream, taking quick breaks to moan. she slipped 2 fingers inside and pumped them in and out of me, getting faster and faster. "..and then we got in bed and w- went to sleep" i stuttered as a tear fell from my eye. i had finally finished telling her my dream. "please jade- please can i cum now?" i begged. "your dream sounded lovely baby, you can cum. you've been a good girl" my thighs tightened around her head and my back arched as i reached climax. she took her fingers out of my pussy and shoved them into my mouth. i sucked them clean while looking up at her. "we better get to class" she chuckled while pulling my panties and jeans up. i love her so fucking much.

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