Ch4 - Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

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"Hey Denki!"

There it was. Probably the last person he wanted to run into as of late. Nonetheless, Kaminari turns around to see her.

"Hey Mina." Kaminari says.

On top of the fact he just got out of foreign language and was feeling overwhelmed, he would have to deal with Ashido asking about him and his feelings for a certain ash-blond.

It's not that he didn't want people to know. He would have come out to the whole school as bi or that he was into Bakugou if there wasn't the risk of Bakugou hating him, though Kaminari doubts that would happen. He just knew if he was talking with Ashido, she would likely tell people, even if on accident. Or worse...

Play matchmaker.

"So, we haven't talked about it yet~" Ashido coos.

"Yeah and there's a reason for that. I've been studying with him for that English test I totally just bombed." Kaminari says. "Well, I think we should talk about it. I mean the test is over, no need to stress right?" Ashido says. "But then there's the suspense of me waiting for my grade and wondering how disappointed in me he'll be." Kaminari explains.

"Whatever, so, tell me about him!" Ashido says, brushing Kaminari's words off to the side. "You're acting like you don't know him. He's been friends with you as long as I have. "Yeah don't care. I mean tell me about him in your eyes." Ashido says.

"Well... He's just so cool, and brave, and tough, and really fucking hot in all honesty. Even though he's usually an asshole, he can be really kind sometimes, in his own way. Like he'll say something most people would think is backhanded but the true meaning is actually something kind coming from him."

"Woah. You totally just-"

Kaminari suppresses the smile that appeared on his face. Did just talking about Bakugou make him smile? He's never gonna live this one down.

"Too late! Saw you smile! Oh my god you're so in love with him!"

"Keep your voice down! We're literally in the middle of the halls! He could hear you if he's close by!" Kaminari whisper-shouts like being quite's gonna help anything now.

"Sorry! I just got excited! I seriously love helping my friends find their other-half!" Ashido says in a slightly quieter voice. "Yeah yeah, I know. Now I gotta head to my next class, see ya later!" Kaminari says. "Totally, bye!"


It's time.

Loudmouth usually grades tests online so the kids could see their results the night they took the test, rather than the day after. And at 7:00pm, class 1-a got their test results sent back to them.

With a shaky hand, Kaminari opens the email which has a link that forwards them to an online version of their tests, which shows the final grade and what the right answers were for each question. Once opened, he quickly scrolls to the bottom of the page with his eyes shut and another pair of fingers crossed.

He typically gets 30%-40% on his English tests. Realistically, he'll get a 25% on this one since he was more stressed than usual. He's hoping for a 45% though, if that was even possible. He wanted to make Bakugou proud.

Okay, on the count of three, he would open his eyes.

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