A new start?

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Kensi's PoV
I can't believe it I was actually going to spend time with Deeks alone! We've been in the car for about an hour and a half Deeks drove because I let him. I was feeling tired so I started to fall asleep on Deeks he was nice and warm, I felt protected in his arms but I didn't understand why. It could be one thing but it can't be never mind.

Deeks' PoV
I saw Kensi was falling asleep on my arm so I took my jacket off and put it around her she looked nice and cozy so I kissed her on her head and carried on to the house. As we arrived I saw Kensi was still asleep so I took the bags in set them down and then went back to get Kensi. I didn't want to disturb her as she was so peaceful when she slept, I put one arm around her back and one under her legs and carry her into 'our' house. As soon as I stepped in she opened her eyes and smiled. I couldn't help it she looked so perfect, it was the spur of the moment my lips touched hers and we was there for what felt like hours! It was the best kiss of my life all of my worries went away because we had eachother. She withdrew her lips and gave me a look that was indescribable, the most beautiful look ever.

Kensi's PoV
We kissed. I couldn't believe it, it was passionate and a lot of love was proven from it. I withdrew my lips to look at Deeks, he gently put me down. I loved him but I didn't know what was going to happen I quickly rush into the bathroom I didn't know what else to do! My heart starts racing and I felt everything was confusing and didn't know why. Deeks followed me and knocked on the door.

Deeks' pov
I couldn't believe I kissed her, but then she ran off to the bathroom I chase after her and ask if everything was ok, there was no answer so I told her I was going to make dinner and put on a movie if she wanted to come out. I also said she could forget what happened back there I don't mind. I said it with a saddened voice but I tried not to show it. I loved Kensi but it was too quick for her so I left it.
I was making dinner, if you could call it that, it was donuts with waffles and chocolate chips and I only made them because they were her favourite. I sat down with not having a big appetite I turned on titanic Kensi's favourite movie. She came out, grabbed her dinner and sat next to me. I pause the film and say " Look Kens, if you want we can just forget about what happened and say it was our undercover work." I turned my head to her and she kissed me so I kiss her back. We was interrupted when the door rang. Kensi went to get it and it was a lady with cupcakes and saying welcome to the neighbourhood and she walked back to me after she closed the door.

Kensi's pov
After I kissed him the doorbell rang so I went up to get it. It was one of our new neighbours she gave me cupcakes then left. Deeks was looking at me with his perfect illuminating blue eyes and his perfect surfer hair. I couldn't do it again so I went to get the laptops to find who the rat was.
It took almost all night but we did it so I was pleased we was about to call Hetty when a screeching sound came from outside the house. Me and Deeks duck and grab our weapons.

Deeks' pov
When we heard the screeching sound we went to get our weapons and we promised each other that whatever happens, we won't die. We hugged it out just as the door was getting kicked in....

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