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No one's POV

It was a normal but taunting day for the Karasuno team as they watched Hinata's younger sister run around the playground. The team watched the girl carefully while she played, keeping a close eye on her, keeping her protected from something they didn't know about. Kenma hasn't told them anything about Hinata after he texted them what happened the day he stayed with Hinata. The boy himself didn't know anything because Hinata had disappeared a month ago. The Karasuno team was actually not so worried because he was with his father and they had not heard Hinata ever speak bad about him, his father seemed like a nice guy, the others did not. 

The whole Nekoma team was with them in the same playground and also paying a close eye to Hinata's sister. They were actually more worried because they don't really know Hinata's father and the only defense they have is "you never know", but Karusono will never believe that Hinata's father could do anything to him, never. Karasuno had seen the man before and he seemed to be a hardworking guy, Tsukishima couldn't even believe that they were related, not that they knew that they weren't actually related because Hinata kept that a secret. On the other hand, Karasuno was a little angry because the Nekoma team did speak badly about Hinata's father but they didn't let it show, they had to be more worried about Hinata than what the other team believed. Now, they were trapped in drama and they didn't even know if Hinata was actually hurt. "Hinata may have hurt himself by accident, he's a boke", was one of the things that Kageyama said but Kenma didn't believe his bullshit. "Yes, it may be true that he is clumsy but he would never hurt himself to such extend", he responded to him a few days ago but if only he knew. 

It could be said that things were heated between them, to say the least. 

Now, here they stood sitting on the ground while the girl ran to Kageyama and gave him a flower crown. "For you, Tobia-chan!", she screams enthusiastically while smiling so wide that it resembled Hinata's smile, making Kageyama smile too. "Thanks, Natsu", he said while stroking her hair and making it messier than before, making the girl pout and run off to the swings, Sugawara following behind to play with her. "They have the same energy", sighed Tsukishima with a frown on his face as he rubbed his temples. "This is getting more exhausting by the day", he said with a sigh, and Yamaguchi just giggled while hugging his alpha's arm. Yamaguchi being a beta, surprisingly, and Hinata was the only omega of the team. Tsukishima once again frowned a little but didn't say anything, he seemed uncomfortable, 'that happens when you are not with your mate but someone else', thought Kuroo from afar as he saw his mate being hugged by Yamaguchi, his childhood best friend, now boyfriend. "Not all destined mates end up together, Kuroo", whispered Kenma as he saw his best friend being heartbroken because his mate didn't accept him as his mate. "His only excuse was that he loved Yamaguchi and not me, but look at him being all uncomfortable with him, I would be a better mate and alpha for him", he argued back. "Well, you are both male alphas, and usually male alphas aren't compatible with each other, even if they are destined mates, making the majority of them reject their mate and go with an omega or beta", said Kenma with a frown because he couldn't understand why alphas had so much toxic alpha masculinity, and he is an alpha for christ sake but he treats omegas and betas as equals. "Well, I guess I will have to find someone more suitable for me", said Kuroo with a disappointed look on his face "I'm sure that you will find the perfect person... now, move the fuck out of my way!", screamed Kenma because Kuroo kept pushing his console out of the way, making him lose in a game. 

It could be said that Kenma left him with a bruised eyes while he growled at him, maybe with a small pout on his face. 

Hinata stared at his mattress on the floor. He slept there but now it was full of dust because he couldn't clean it for a month, not that it was clean. His bed was stained with all sort of body fluids so he didn't really care if dust dirties it more, he could just sleep on the floor and get this thing out of his room. Sure, he never uses it but if he's being raped it's better if he has a soft surface underneath him, not that he wanted to admit that, because he would usually scratch all of his skin from his back if he is being raped on the floor, like last time. With that thought, Hinata's eyes turned duller than before, and with black eyebags/bruises under his eyes, he looked dead. Not that he really cared for his appearance so with a sigh and strength he got up from the floor and walked out of his room. He has been locked there as soon as he got here but his stepfather told him to come down at a certain hour, which he is doing at the moment. At the bottom of the stairs, his stepfather stood with a cigar in his mouth and a bear on hand. "I will be attending some business so you will have to stay out of the house for the whole month, go sleep under a bridge for all I care", said his stepfather with a frown on his face, making Hinata go stiff as soon as he saw it. "What are you waiting for, huh!", yelled his stepfather making Hinata jump and stumble forward before running out of the house while his body yelled at him to stop, his body being sore and in pain from everything he went through but he didn't stop until he couldn't see the house. 

When Hinata stopped he took his hidden phone from his back pocket and contacted his aunt if he was correct Natsu should be staying with her at the moment, making him feel calmer because she didn't stay with a stranger. "Hello, this is Yokina Hinata speaking, how may I help you?", asked the woman from the other line, making it know to Hinata that it was his aunt. "H-Hi, auntie. I just wanted to know how Natsu is doing", Hinata said with a stutter making him curse under his breath. "Oh, but darling, she isn't here in the first place. Some boys came here to take her out to play", she said with a cheerful voice making Hinata's breath hitch. "I-I... w-who?", he asked while he tried to not freak out and have a panic attack in the middle of the streets. "Your team and a team named Nekoma came here for her and asking where you were, but I told them that I didn't know... they have been taking her out every day to play on the playground close to your house", she said and as soon as those words left her mouth Hinata started running, not giving a damn about his pain and just kept running. 

Kenma looked at the girl in form of him, she just came straight to his face and kept looking at him, 'weird', he thought over and over again because he was uncomfortable. "D-do you need something?", he asked but the only thing the girl did was laugh and circle him around. "You look like a cat", she said with a proud smile on her face, making the others laugh, and Kenma blush from embarrassment. "SHE CALLED YOU A CAT!", screamed/laughed Kuroo while the others tried to calm themselves but not being successful. "He's a neko", Kuroo said to Natsu making her eyes sparkle. "Really!?", she asked excitedly while Kenma shook his head and said "no", making Natsu stop smiling and pout. "You are a neko", she said in a demanding voice making the others laugh some more but everything stopped when from the distance they heard a voice yell Natsu "NATSU!!", at first Kenma took a hold of the girl's hand to protect her and everyone stood up from the ground to protect her if necessary, but when they saw a crying and exhausted Hinata with his hands on his knees Natsu made sure to run away from them and jump to Hinata's arms. 

"Nii-san!", screamed the girl with tears falling from her eyes, they were one hundred percent siblings, thought most of the people there. "I-I mis-missed you so m-much", said the girl between sobs while Hinata hugged her with force so as not to let her go. "I-I'm here now, Natsu", he said while his breathing was erratic from the running. "I will not leave you like this again, ever again", he promised with his nose in her hair, smelling her calming scent. "I missed you so much", he said while the others watched and thought that something must have happened for Hinata to be like this, something very dangerous and traumatizing. "A-are you okay? You aren't hurt again, right?", she asked totally forgetting the other people around them. Them beginning to get more worried by the minute because Natsu lied to them when they asked if Hinata was hurt, she said no when they asked her. "I-I'm sorry", she whispered in Hinata's neck while Hinata panicked inside but didn't let it show. 

"Are you okay?", asked Kenma as he walked to the front and looked at Hinata from the bottom to the top "you look very tired, Shoyo", he said with worry lazed in his words. "I-I'm perfectly fine, Kenma. You don't need to worry about me", Hinata said being unable to look him in the eyes after what happened between them. "... Do you want me to walk you home?", Kenma asked after a few seconds of awkward silence, making their teammates move from feet to feet. "My father is going to be out of the house and our mom is too... we are thinking of getting a hotel room because the house needs renovation too", Hinata said in a tiny voice and hoping that they believe his lie. But Kenma didn't believe him the slightest. 'Lier', thought Kenma before opening his mouth to speak. "You can stay with me,  I don't have a problem with it, Shoyo", Kenma offered with his hand extended out for him to take. Hinata looked at the hand with doubt but carefully and slowly he did take. "Please don't ask me any questions or I will leave", Hinata pleaded with a face full of sorrow making Kenma's breath hitch. "Of course, Shoyo", Kenma said as they walked hand in hand and with Natsu being carried by Hinata. 

Leaving the others to wonder what had happened to Hinata in the now freezing playground. 

"Well, here we are", Kenma said once he opened the door to his rented apartment and let them in. Hinata walking straight in and sitting down on the floor while Natsu started running around the living room. "N-Natsu don't go running around", said Hinata, worried that Kenma wouldn't like that. "It's okay, Shoyo. Let her have fun until she gets tired", Kenma said with a tiny smile on the corner of his mouth, making Hinata blush and look away but the sorrow in his eyes never left. Kenma got more worried but didn't comment on it. "You look quite tired... why don't you go up to my room and sleep. Natsu can have the only guest room I have to sleep in", said Kenma, hopeful that Hinata wouldn't complain or not accept his offer but to his surprise, Hinata just stood up and went up without a word. 

Another reg flag was raised and Kenma worried more. 

Kenma's alpha growled internally. 

Save Me (Kenma x Depressed Hinata) (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now