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I smirked when I saw her naked on my bed. She was covered with blood while her eyes were widely opened.

Dear diary,

I'd like to tell you that a corpse is way better than a living human who has done nothing except for pure craps. Their blood is what makes my system go amok. Uncontrolled of what I felt, I smelled her blood cascading from her pricked eyes and so I licked it while my eyes were close as I savored the feeling of her delish blood. I tore her dress that was covered with thick red stains. I stared at her rack body before I opened her legs to be welcomed by my length. This is what I call ecstacy on corpse. This is way better than having sex with a wild wolf– screaming deliriously. I hate dirty noises coming from a big mouth of a slut. I'd prefer to satisfy myself from a dead body.

When Light Fades At 23:11 (EPISTOLARY NOVEL) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now