June 15th 2022
Preston: (Newley invigorated with his plan decides his lettuce head will be the first date) Hey Kiefer!!!!
Kiefer: Hey Presty
Preston: (kisses him)
Kiefer: (kisses him back) That's one way to say good morning (wraps his arm around him as they star walking)
Preston: It's the best way, So I decided I need to figure myself out so Walker gave me an amazing Idea
Kiefer: Oh what's that mate
Preston: Spend a whole day with each one of my crushes and no one else so that's exactly what I'm gonna do and you where my first choice
Kiefer: Oh I wonder why that might be
Preston: Cause I can't resist you (starts making out with him)
Kiefer: Mhm Preston
Preston: I could just pull the plug.....I kind of want too.....your the early favorite.....tbh you always have been
Kiefer: I like you so much but we both know you would beat yourself up for that
Preston: I suppose your right.....but......no your right
Kiefer: Of course I am (flips his hair)
Preston: Youuuuuu aren't making this easy
Kiefer: So what does this mean for shower club
Preston: On Hiatus but I hope it can come back
Kiefer: I don't really care what I care about is that it's with you (pulls him into a passionate kiss)
Preston: Yessss Kiefer
Kiefer: (pushes him against a tree and starts making out with him even more lustfully then ever before)
Preston: Kiefer
Kiefer: Preston
Preston: Let's go back to my cabin
Kiefer: Wait....you want to
Preston: I do
Kiefer: Okay
(they go to the cabin)
Preston: This is me
Kiefer: It's nice
Preston: (takes of his shirt and lays on his bed) Join me
Kiefer: (rips off his shirt and hops in bed with him)
Preston: Now.....I'm not saying we are going to have sex......today I just wanted to be more intimant people were staring
Kiefer: Let um stare Baby, I want everyone to know I am yours and you are mine
Preston: (mounts Kiefer and starts making out with him and grinding his crotch to his as they make out as if they had been for years)
Kiefer: mmmmm as fun as this is baby...Isn't the point
Preston: (starts hickeying him)
Kiefer: Holy shit........tooo uh like hang out with and get to know your potenial suitor
Preston: Kiefer just shut up and make out with me
Kiefer: Sorry aboot that
Preston: Ohhhhh Yes I love when you go Canadian on me
Kiefer: You Americans just can't resist us
Preston: Yeah (getting hickeyed) and why should we when you love us like this
Kiefer: I don't just you
Preston: Seriously.....no one else
Kiefer: Well not during camp (sits up)
Preston: What happened baby (rubbing his abs and nibbles on his ear)
Kiefer: Well, It was a rainy day in April and there was this really cute homeless boy I took him home and gave him a place to stay it was only a few weeks.....about two in fact and I was straight or I thought I was but I realized I wasn't we kissed and then not two seconds later there is knock at the door....his boyfriend searching for him for months they left very quickly basically whatever we had was just nothing.....well they are here
Preston: Who
Kiefer: (points outside)
Dylan: (making out with Cameron on a picnic table)
Preston: Which one
Kiefer: Dylan.......so that is why I was so nervous to let myself like you and I know I'm not the only guy you like and I accept that with ease but just promise me something
Preston: Anything
Kiefer: We will always be friends yeah
Preston: No....Best friends, Brothers even
Kiefer: (tears up) Yeah
Preston: Yeah (they resume making out with each other)
(that afternoon)
Preston: (knocked to his butt)
Kiefer: You said don't go easy baby (helps him up)
Preston: I didn't know Fencing was so hard you make it look easy
Kiefer: It took years of practice, but I'm so glad you took an interest
Preston: Of course I did (they start making out yet again)
Parker Q: Hey guys really don't not in the rink
Kiefer: Sorry Sensei Park
Preston: (laughs) Sensei
Parker: Yup that is what the kids call me
Preston: Neat
Blake: Is that my sexy boyfriend
Parker: Yes it is (hops over the fence)
Blake: (starts making out with him)
Kiefer: Hey no fair
Parker: I'm not in the rink am I young grasshopper
Preston: Grasshopper (laughs)
Kiefer: (punches his arm) Laugh it up would ya
Preston: Awe baby It's okay
Parker: Pack it up boys.....me and Blake need to do some stuff
Kiefer: We aren't 12
Preston: Yeah we know your gonna have sex
Blake: Hell yeah we are (picks Parker up)
Parker: Hot damn Ghesiar
Blake: One of my best qualities is my strength
Parker: Cuz you have monster guns
Blake: Why Yes I do
Preston: All done
Parker: Good work boys see ya
Kiefer: Enjoy getting dicked down Parker
Parker: Who said I was the bottom
Blake: (laughs) Realllllly
Parker: Point taken get out here you too
Kiefer: Hop on baby
Preston: (hops on Kiefer's back) Giddy Up!!!
Kiefer: (neighs like a horse and runs)
Parker: Awe that's adorable
Blake: Mhm you know what else is
Parker: What
Blake: My cock penetrating your asshole!
Parker: mmmm Better get to it then
(that night)
Preston: How'd they take it
Kiefer: They were a little sad especially Nathan but they got it we all just want you to be happy
Preston: That means a lot
Kiefer: (kisses him)
(they walk to the shower house)
Bryce: Oh Hey
Ben: Avoid that corner shower
Bryce: Yeah It's a little sticky thanks to Benny Boi (kisses him)
Preston: You fucked huh
Bryce: Oh yea
Ben: Sup fellow Canadian
Kiefer: Sup (they bro hug)
Ben: Try not moan to loud
Preston: Oh Shut up (laughs)
(they leave)
Kiefer: Shall we
Preston: Yes.....today though we will do it together conserve water you no (smirks)
Kiefer: How Noble of you
(they start showering together)
Preston: This is nice
Kiefer: (behind him) Yes it is
Preston: (grinds on him)
Kiefer: (grabs Preston's dick) I'll start with him
Preston: Mmmm you dirty boy
(they make out once again)
Kiefer: MMMMMM Preston
Preston: Kiefer.....
(they actually do clean each other)
Preston: Kiefer.....
Kiefer: Yes Baby
Preston: (drops to his knees)
Kiefer: (his 7 inch cock is hard as hell)
Preston: (starts sucking)
Kiefer: Oh my god Yes Preston (grabs the back off his head)
Preston: (gags and starts deepthroating it)
Kiefer: Youuuuuu feel so good on my cock baby
Preston: Your cock tastes well Canadian
Kiefer: Oh Yeah?
Preston: Mapley (laughs)
Kiefer: Ohh you are so funny
Preston: Mhm (resumes sucking)
Kiefer: Yes Presty baby oh yes you should suck me everyday
Preston: Maybe that can be on the cards
Kiefer: Oh fuck yeah (cums deep down his throat)
Preston: That was so tasty (stands up)
Kiefer: You sure can suck a dick baby
Preston: Wanna taste your own cum
Kiefer: Yes (starts making out with him)
(this goes on for a few hours)
Awe Kiefer is a very strong contender whos on team Kiefer, Let me know in the comment section down below, thanks