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The warehouse parking lot was lined as far as I could see with motorcycles. Cars stood out here and there, but there were mainly the scary two-wheeled vehicles standing there. I jumped off Jesse's with wobbly legs and he laughed at me as I hunched over and held onto my knees.

Oh God.

"I'm never getting on one of those again," I muttered with a grimace. Jesse came up to me and put his hand on my back, still laughing, so I pointed my finger at him with an angry look. "Least of all with you."

"You won't remember that later when you're drunk," he told me confidently, before pushing me towards the warehouse. "Come on, let's get you a drink."

The warehouse lit up on the inside, lights blinking of all colors, bass roaming through the old walls, but it wasn't like the parties I went to in high school. The first thing I heard when we got closer was M. Shadows' voice singing about creating God, and I opened my mouth wide. "Seriously?"

"What? Did you expect EDM and lasers?" Jesse rolled his eyes at me mockingly as he kept leading me into the huge venue.

Inside, the warehouse was split into different zones. By each long wall was a bar, all the way from one end to the other, by the door where we came in were bleachers that looked like they'd been ripped off wherever they were before and placed there for the occasion, people practically falling off of it from it being so full. In the middle, people were dancing, spilling their drinks and just existing in a bubble I instantly felt envious of, and on the far end, by another, smaller door, the air was filled with smoke, telling me where not to go unless I wanted to go back in time.

The whole place was so different from what I expected— because yeah, I did expect EDM and lasers. Everywhere I looked I saw people in leather jackets with some emblem on the back, different ones, even next to each other talking and laughing together like old friends. I saw several with the same emblem as the one I'd seen on Jesse and Helix's jackets— a howling wolf— but I didn't recognize any of them.

It was like stepping into heaven, going into that warehouse. My kind of music, my kind of people and my kind of drinks. That last thought entered my mind as Jesse handed me a transparent plastic cup with transparent liquid inside, and I laughed. I really laughed, and put my arms around him in a big hug, thanked him for bringing me, and took a large gulp of the drink just as the music changed and I was magically fueled with energy once the burning in my throat eased. I grabbed Jesse's hand and dragged him with me to the dance-zone just in time for the whole crowd to sing along.

"Oh, steady!"

"Aim, ready!"

"Go, fire away!"

The lights blinked in rhythm with the music, my hair was everywhere as I jumped, sung my throat out and enjoyed everything about that place. The cup was empty in no time, and Jesse offered to refill it for me as I danced to the next song. Out of breath, I joined him by the bar, and he grinned widely at me, holding the cup out to me. "You look like you're having fun," he stated.

"I am!" I stated proudly, drinking, feeling the sting down my throat and chuckling. "I regretted saying I wanted to come, but this is exactly what I needed. Thank you."

"You shouldn't thank him." I turned around to meet the golden eyes of Jesse's scarred friend. Helix smirked at me, looked at the cup I was holding and his smirk widened. "My kind of girl."

"You wish," I said, mostly because I didn't think he meant it and wanted to appear more confident than I was. Then I turned back to Jesse as I finished the cup. "More?"

"You wanna stay for more than an hour, right? If you keep going at this rate I'll have to carry you home in no time."

I rolled my eyes, feeling like he wanted to take my joy away now that I finally found it again, but I didn't blame him.. He had a point. I made a mental note to ask who was in charge of the music at this thing, because every fucking song was amazing, and as Eddie Vedder's expert voice roared through the speakers, I grinned and made my way back to the dance zone to get out even more of my mysterious energy.

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