The Best Day

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A.N: I wrote this for @band-psycho 's 1.5k Bingo Challenge! The prompt was "beach." I loved writing this, it's been forever since I've written Legolas which is absolutely ridiculous and I need to write him more. Anyways, I really hope you guys love this as much as I do, it was an utter joy to work on!

Word Count: 1,337

Summary: You wheedle Legolas into going to the beach for the day.

Pairing: Modern AU Legolas x Reader

Warnings: Fluff


The Best Day

"C'mon, Legolas. Can we please go to the beach today?"

    You at your boyfriend with pleading eyes, collapsing onto the couch next to him.

    "It's only 8:30, if we go now we can get a good spot!"

    He still didn't look up from his book.

    "We can get Italian ice..."

    Legolas slammed his book shut and sprung off the couch. "Ok, be outside in ten minutes!"

    You laughed, missing the twinkle in his eye, following him to your bedroom where you quickly donned your favorite backless black one-piece, throwing a cover-up over it as your boyfriend picked out his green swimming trunks.

    You left Legolas putting his hair up into his usual beach-going style, and grabbed two towels and sunscreen from the closet, stuffing them into a bag. You raided the fridge for drinks to stick in a cooler, root beer for you, and ginger ale for Legolas, who after discovering it two years ago refused to drink any other soda. Lastly, you stuffed a bag of Doritos, a bag of Sour Cream and Onion potato chips, and your wallet into the bag with the towels. You grabbed your bike helmet from its spot above the coatrack and clipped it on, going outside and fastening the beach bag onto Legolas' bike, the cooler straps slung onto your back.

    You heard the door to the house open again and turned to see Legolas locking the door behind himself. His hair was pulled back into a man bun, and he was wearing an unbuttoned teal shirt that revealed his toned chest and abs. Buckling his helmet, he got onto his bike and the two of you were off.

    Arriving at the beach, you locked your bikes onto the rack, Legolas grabbing the beach bag off of his. Walking down onto the soft sand, you turned right, looking for a place to spread out your towels. It took a moment before you realized Legolas wasn't beside you anymore.

    "Where are you going?" you asked, turning around to see him fifty feet away in the opposite direction.

    "I'm finding us a spot!"

     "But we always go right!" You did. The right side of the beach was just better, everyone knew that.

    He laughed, "Fine, we'll go right," and jogged back to you, grabbing your hand.

    Together, you found a perfect spot and spread out your towels. You got the sunscreen and applied it, doing Legolas back, and then sat on the towels.

    "Can we go in yet?"

    For someone who hadn't wanted to go to the beach today, Legolas was very impatient.

    "Five more minutes," you giggled at the pout on his face, "we have to wait for the sunscreen to set!"

    Finally, five minutes later, he sprang up. "Last one in is a rotten egg!"

    "No fair!" You shouted, sprinting down the sand towards the sparkling blue ocean.

    You watched your boyfriend dive in, water rising in a splash all around him. He surfaced, water streaming down his face in rivulets as he blinked it out of his eyes, smiling at you.

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    "I see someone still hasn't dunked!"

    "Legolas, no.... No, no- AGHHHHHHH-" Your scream was cut off by Legolas dropping you into the water.

    Quickly, you surfaced, spluttering.

    "Oh, I'm gonna get you for that."

    You dove, grabbing his ankles and yanking them so that he fell. This time when your head rose above the water, he was the one spluttering. You giggled, watching him shake his head at you in mock disappointment.

    "Y/N. I thought you were better than that."

    Legolas moved as if to lunge at you and dunk you again, but before he could you jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck, hooking your legs around his waist and clinging on. He started, but grabbed your thighs to support you and leaned closer, kissing you.

    You lost yourselves in each other for a moment. Your arms wrapped around his neck, legs around his waist, one of his hands under your thigh, holding you up as the other stroked your bare back and you silently thanked whatever had made you decide to wear a backless bathing suit. You broke apart, before pressing a trail of kisses down his jawline, so focused on Legolas and only Legolas and his soft breath mingling with yours that you didn't notice when he started to tip over.

All you had time for was a shout of, "LEGOLA-" before you fell underwater together.

You came up laughing, him blushing.


"Oops? Oops?! Y/N, we fell over in the ocean because I was too focused on kissing you and not on the fact that there are waves in the ocean, and all you have to say is oops? It's super embarrassing!"

You couldn't stop laughing. "It's not embarrassing, you doofus, we're in love! And besides, it seems like an oops sort of situation."

    His face lightened and you smiled at him, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips before breaking away.

    You dashed towards the beach, hearing Legolas's confused sound of disappointment that the kiss hadn't gone any further behind you.

    "I call the potato chips!"

    "Y/N, you can't call the potato chips, potato chips are fair game to everyone and you cannot deny me potato chips on the grounds of 'you called them first-"

    It was annoying how he never got out of breath while running, even sprinting so fast that he was gaining on you very quickly. You groaned in frustration as, catching up with you, he scooped you up and continued running, reaching the towels and plopping you onto one while he went straight for the chips.

    "Share please?"

    Legolas smiled at you and sat next to you on the towel, holding out the chips for you to take a handful.

Later, as the sunset cast the sky in pink and orange, you held Legolas' hand as you walked down the beach. You stopped and turned to face him.

"Thank you for the best day."

He smiled. "Look at the sunset."

You turned, marveling at the light it cast over the still water. When you looked back at your boyfriend, he was bent on one knee in front of you.

You gasped.

Legolas reached out for your hand, grasping it in his as the other went into his pocket and pulled out a box.

"Y/N. I've loved you since the day I met you, and probably on some level have loved you forever. Your soul sparked something in mine and continues to feed that flame every day and I'm not sure what I would do without it. I adore your smile, your laugh, the way you're always up for anything. You make me want to be the best version of myself and encourage me towards that every single day."

He stopped, for a moment, and you could see tears brimming in his eyes to match the ones in yours before he took a breath, opening the small box to reveal the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen.

"I guess all this is to say that I love you, Y/N, and I want to spend the rest of our lives falling over in the ocean because we're too busy kissing. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You gasped.

Legolas stood, taking the ring from the box and sliding it onto your finger, which it fit perfectly.

"I have one question."

He looked at you, slightly concerned.

"Was that box in your pocket the whole day? Like, even when we were in the ocean?"

Legolas laughed, a hearty, relieved sound.

"Nope! I grabbed it from my bag when we went for this walk."

You grinned. "Good. And I love you too."

You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your fiancee's lips.

He quickly deepened it, hands in your hair, kissing you like this was the end of everything. Or the beginning of something new.

You stood there, entwined in each other, two silhouettes almost merging into one in the sunset.

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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