bad luck day

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I woke up the next day with mom yelling at me and just then I realize I didn't turn on my alarm clock. Shit.
- WTF Y/N??? Why the fuck aren't you ready yet? - she yells and I can tell she's angry.
- I forgot to turn my alarm clock on. Sorry mom...
- You know what, I can't lose time. Here take an uber to school or something, the driver is not here yet. And don't you dare get late to school. You got 15 minutes to get ready, I can't wait I have work to do. Bye. - she said throwing some money on my bed before she called for Alison and went out.
If Dalton was here he would be able to take me to school, but he always leaves earlier than we do.
I sigh when I remember I only have 10 minutes now to get ready. I just got up and got dressed, then organized my stuff then went to school. My uber only got here after 20 minutes tho, so when I got to school, class had already started. I'm so lucky right?
I let out a groan and hurry to get my pass and went to class. I can't wait till I get home and give my mother the late pass for her to sign. I can't wait to be murdered by her after she sees it. 🤡
All the time I was at school I couldn't focus. I was so scared of how my mom would react. I never got late to school so I have no idea.
After school I went straight to dance class. Soon I was free and Frankie was there to pick me up.
- FRANKIEE!! - I yelled running at him.
- Heyyyy Y/N/N, I missed you yesterday. - He said hugging me.
- Me too Frankiee! You taking me home?
- No sweetie your mom went to the mall with your sister to get her some stuff, so you're staying with me until she picks you up. - He said and we get on the car driving to his place.
I feel kind of sad that mom didn't invite me, probably because I had dance class but still.... If Alison gets to skip her classes I should be able to skip mine too.
We get to Frankie's house and he orders pizza for us. We eat while we watch movies and I can't concentrate because I'm worried about the note mom has to sign.
When it's around 10 pm I start to get sleepy but mom isn't here yet.
- Frankie, can I sleep? And you wake me up when mom's here? - I ask him and lay my head on his shoulder.
- Ofc baby! I'll wake you don't worry. - He says kissing my head.

Ariana POV
I totally forgot I had to pick Y/N up. I only realized when it was 11:30 pm before I went to bed. Shit. She has school tomorrow and probably didn't do any of her homeworks.
I hurry and go to Frankie's place. I ring the door bell and he opens the door.
- Where's Y/N? - I quickly ask.
- Well, she's sleeping on the couch. I thought the mall closed at 10:30... - He says clearly being ironic.
- I had stuff to do, fuck off. - I said entering his house. - Y/N, wake up we got to go you need to do homework.
- Are you fucking kidding me Ariana? It's because of YOU that she wasn't able to do her homework. Because YOU said you were going to pick her up at 9:30.
- Oh shush Frankie, she won't die if she goes to sleep a little bit late, plus she slept more this morning anyways. - I said giving Y/N a stern look.
- Oh my God Ariana why do you always have to act like a bitch? - He says yelling at me.
- How dare you Frankie? - I yelled back at him. - Y/N let's go, NOW!
She comes at me running and follows me to the car. The whole ride home was silent as I was stressed out.
When we get home it's already 12:30 am.

When we get home mom told me to go and do my homework but of course I already had them all ready on the weekend and today's homework is only due next Monday.
- I already did them yesterday mom...
- Oh okay. Then take a shower and go to sleep. Don't forget to turn your alarm clock on! - she said bluntly going to the kitchen.
Why can't she just wake me up like she does with Alison? Of course she won't do that with me. But now I have to face her and ask her to sign the note.
- Hum, mom?
- Yes?
- I need you to sign something... - I said playing with my fingers.
- What? - She glared at me. How am I gonna tell her? I decided to just give her the paper.
- This.
I handled her the note and waited for her reaction.

Soooo, what do you think is gonna be Ari's reaction???
Love ya'll

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