Chapter One

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The lift pinged, signaling the end of the journey, and the doors swung open revealing Eula Hayvis, the new detective in the office. She wandered along the corridor and rapped smartly on the office door labelled 'Police Sergent Ezmeralda Wilson'. A faint voice answered and Eula Hayvis entered the office, watched by another detective and the mortician. The detective wolf-whistled and spun on his chair to face his desk.

"That's the new detective? She looks... nice" he said suggestively. Seamus Hawken was 27 and had been in the office for three years thanks to his rich fathers connections in the city. He had floppy, pale brown hair, green eyes and stood at about 6,1.

His comment earned him a slap upside the head from the office mortician, Kallie Newman. She was 39 and has been the mortician for the office for ten years. Her hair was short, spiky and bright blue to match her eyes, but clashed with her tanned skin and was 5,10.

"You're a pig." she laughed as another man walked into the office. "Morning Tony." He nodded in return.

Seamus smiled, "Have you met the new detective?" Tony's eye's widened and then narrowed.

"New detective?" he asked in shocked anger.

"Yeah, she's in Wilson's office right now, I wouldn't go in..." Seamus trailed off, watching Tony's retreating back.

Tony Matthews was 26 and in charge of the two people he just stormed out on. He had dirty blond hair, blue eyes and towered over everyone at 6,5. He stormed towards Wilson's office and threw the door open. The two women in the room turned to look at him.

"Can I help you, Matthews?" asked Ezmeralda Wilson asked. Tony turned to look at the woman opposite his boss. Her raven black hair cascaded in a high ponytail to the middle of her back as her stormy, silvery grey eyes pierced into him, almost sizing him up.

"Yes, actually, you can." Tony huffed angrily, shutting the door and stepping further into the office. "Why was I not informed that we had a new employee?"

"Because it was not a matter that I deemed you needed to be involved in yet." said Wilson sharply. "She asked for a job, I agreed to meet her, we met and I found her to be perfectly suited to your team."

"My team!" he repeated, "Why mine?"

Wilson ignored his question and looked pointedly at the woman opposite her who nodded and said simply, "I see what you mean." Tony fumed silently.

The woman stood up and held out her hand. "Eula Hayvis," she introduced herself, "what an absolute pleasure to meet you, Tony Matthews." A smirk appeared on her naturally red lips as he took her hand and let go almost as quickly. Wilson snickered.


After signing the appropriate forms, Eula shook Wilsons hand and left the office. She walked across the hall to the office which housed Seamus, Tony and Kallie. After introductions and flirts from Seamus (which to his surprise she brushed off as if they were nothing), Kallie showed Eula her desk. After 25 years of life, seven years of constant job changes and 17 new jobs Eula had never had her own desk. For the rest of the morning, nothing much happened, but half way through their lunch break, the phone on Seamus' desk rang.

"Seamus Hawken... uh huh..... uh huh... yes, okay boss, bye." and he put the phone down. "Grab your gear guys, homicide in a school canteen about twenty minutes away."

"Which school?" asked Tony.

"St Hermione's School for Gifted Children."

Tony grabbed his camera case, evidence markers and jacket and hurried out the door without another word. Seamus rolled his eyes and gestured for Eula to follow.

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