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Giovanna's POV

I just froze. Blaise kept telling me to go up but i just sat there. Then Draco got up and walked over to me and dragged me to the stage, before I could whisper shout him he smiled and walked back to his seat. I went up to the stage and stood next to Hermione who was starting her speech.

Draco's POV

She froze. She just sat there with her eyes wide open and her mouth slightly hung open. Blaise was whispering to her but she probably blocked it out because she still wasn't moving. Dumbledore called her up again but I doubt she listened to that either. I got up and dragged her to the stage, I didn't even have to turn around to know she was glaring daggers into my back. Granger cleared her throat and started thanking people, she thanked Potter, Weasley, her parents and a couple teachers. Then she finally left the stage and came back over to us leaving Gia on the stage by herself.

"Uhm well I uh thanks I guess uhm as you can tell i didn't really expect this-" she started but was interrupted by Pansy screaming from the crowd. "YOURE NOT EVEN THAT SMART. I WONDER HOW MANY TEACHERS YOU HAD TO SLEEP WITH IN ORDER TO GET THAT AWARD" everyone gasped. Gia turned bright red and she just stared at Pansy with a look of shock and anger on her face. "SHUT THE FUCK UP PARKINSON" Theo shouted back and Pansy huffed and sank back down into her seat. "GO ON G YOU'RE DOING GREAT" He shouted out again making Gia smile and a few people clap for him.

"uhm well that was a bit rude anyway thanks for the award. Uhm Cho, Prince and Draco helped me revise so uhm thanks guys. And uh thanks Theo for just being really funny. Can I please sit down now" "Yes thank you Miss Moon you can sit down now" Dumbledore said as he dismissed her.

Giovanna's POV

That was one of the worst moments of my life. I'm glad this is my last day at this school. I kept my head down as i walked back over to the chairs at the front. Dumbledore finish up and told us all to stand up, as we did the chairs we were previously sat on disappeared. "I'll let you all say your goodbyes before you all go out to the boats and leave Hogwarts" He said and he walked away.

I ran straight to Theo and hugged him tight and started saying thank you for shouting at Parkinson for me. He just laughed and hugged me back. Then i made my way over to Draco and I started punching his arm hard and he whined and begged me to stop. "why on earth would you drag me up there, that was so embarrassing" I complained, "you were just sat there, I was helping you" he argued back. I called everyone else over and pulled them all into a big hug. Some of them tried to pull away but Theo and Prince kept everyone together. The nine of us ( Me, Cho, Prince, Theo, Astoria, Blaise, Luna, Draco and Ginny) just stayed there for a good couple minutes hugging eachother in silence. We only stopped the hug when we saw it was time to go.

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