Chapter 2, Awaken

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(optional sound)

Jay's Point of View, Few Hours Earlier

*Beep.* *Beep.* *Beep.* 
Jay: "u-ugh I'm up. I'm up." -I say as I tiredly press the off button on my alarm.*Click.* Just another morning I suppose, "uhg today I have to make a run to the city." I think as I pull myself out of bed and walk over to the sink. On days like these, I don't mind the small room I have to live in. Well saying 'small room' is a bit of an understatement, I have my bed a window, and the door out to the main hall in one room; and the bathroom as an attachment to my small room. I was actually one of the "lucky ones" they say, most people share a room with someone else. "I'm guessing because of my dangerous job they gave me the nicer room." 

*Knock.* Knock.*

???: "Hey you're going to be late... you better get your pants on rightt about. now heh." - "Andd that's Tex for ya."

"Yea yea, I'm comin." -I say as I open the door.

Tex: "Woww... Hey you almost look better than you did yesterday, so close" 

"Wooh and I almost thought I would get a compliment out of you today." -I say starting to walk down the hall.

Tex: "Aw come onn, I mean did you really think you would get a compliment that easily?"

"Not really. that's tomorrow"

Tex: "Really? Then what time future man?"

"At lunch at 3 pm exactly." -I say with a smirk on my face.

Tex: "Woohh, now you just sound like a smartass heheh."

"pff, alright alright Scram!" -I say as I reach the exit to the building.

Tex: "You think I'm coming with you to go out there? I mean we're friends but not that muchh" -Tex says sarcastically.

"Haha! Oh hey! I'll see you later alright?"

Tex: "Maybee." He says as he shrugs.

"Heh, he is always that funny type." I think to myself as I can see the main gate looming in front of me, its a fairly large gate a lot of testing went into creating that thing. It's electric so one touch would put you in shock and well two touches? Well, they didn't say, and if the scientists are not willing to say then it only means bad news. The electric fence would explain why those "things" never even try to get in, "they normally just wait for someone to leave" is what others tell me. Boy lucky me right? "1.1..2..4..7?"*beep* The light glows green showing me it is safe to open the gate after I entered my safety code. "Yes! First try, normally I mess that up 2 times first" I think While I walk Through the gate in the light rain.

"what if one of those latex things get me." It's what I think about every time I'm out here, and every time nothing happens. I have no idea why they started attacking, the "latex" they were only held in testing sights. I personally never saw one apart from the photos I was shown when I got taken in by Compound 32. Then they "got out" and grew? not all details are known... Nor was I informed what really happened, mostly everything is at least known by me is well rumors and being on a "need to know" basis doesn't help at all. "All the city's got completely destroyed for some reason.. ." I think as I get sight of one in up ahead. Still looks like it could fall over any moment yet the world keeps them standing.

I remember walking down these kinds of streets when everything was still well normal. you would have cars honking, people walking and of course, the ones running for their late appointment, and the occasion beggar... I always felt bad walking by those people, I never had any money to spare, so I would just give a little nod every time I would walk by... "Ah! almost forgot where I was." I think as I look around for what I need to grab so I can get outta here as fast as possible. "there's some." I bend down to gather some peace's of metal that I needed. Then I can head home.*Crash!*

"O-Oops." I say as clumsily dropped a piece.

"Better hurry that was a large sound." I think starting to work faster, really fast I don't even notice the world around me till *smash!* "Shitt-" I think as I look up into the eyes of this white latex creature staring at me with murderous intent. I'm frozen the exact thing I dreaded for so long is happening. Then suddenly the white creature is tackled by another white creature though this one seems grayer. "h-huh?" I think as I watch the first white creature runoff. Then the grayer one looks at me... "It's not attacking?" I think as I give it a closer look. It looks more scared and confused than anything...

"W-Well that's new" -I say feeling a little bad for this creature

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