Failures Needed

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As the group of five walked or was carried down the street in Butters and Bubbles cases, the Togata began to speak to the group.

"So what's with the cat and fish? They part of your quirks or just pets you two keep?"

"I ain't some filthy pet ya damned wanker! I'm my lass's familiar!" Bubbles shouted in annoyance for the blond to start laughing.

"That's some awesome ventriloquism you've got! If heroism doesn't work out for you, that's always a door you can go through. It almost sounded like the fish actually talked!"

"That's because he actually talked."

There was a silence before Togata laughed again. "HAHAHAHA! That's hilarious how dedicated you two are to your-"

"The fish/I talked!" All four shouted for Togata's face to go from hysterically laughing to that of stunned surprise.

"So the fish...."

"Talked? Yes. And I can talk too." Butters getting annoyed at trying to point out this is possible explained this as actually a possibility.


"It's a long story. All you need to know though is thanks to some 'special' assistance from us, these two can talk as well as transform into other members of their species family category."

"Does that include extinct and mythical?"

"I've been half wondering that too." Ochako asked not completely certain herself if this was possible.

"Extinct as long as it resides in the family classification of the creature, they can transform into the species. Mythical not so much since the species has to exist in the first place. Ironic since none of this is any means normal to begin with, but some laws of nature do have to be followed."

"Ok I think diving deeper into that isn't important. Anyway, what are we getting exactly?"

Izuku looked down the list he wrote before stopping at the entrance to a below ground shop. "We should be able to get a good amount of what we need here. Ochako, can you help find this stuff with Togata? A few of these things aren't exactly stuff you'd like to show somebody that doesn't know of the world we live in."

"Fair enough." Ochako was given a list for them to walk two different directions when entering the store.

As they looked, Togata started asking about the items. "Hair of a rat, bones of a crow, sea urchin poison? What exactly do you do with these things?"

"Make potions. Some you drink, some you pour on yourself, others you pour on others or get them to ingest."

"Like the arse Bakugou." Bubbles started laughing for Togata to start looking around.

'So I'm in a shop with a bunch of people that use some kind of voodoo tricks. Tamaki and Nejire will never believe this.' He turns a corner before seeing a jar of eyeballs to spook him a bit. "Jeez this place gives me the creeps." The eyes start moving to all stare at the blond to send a shiver down his spine. "Hey Midoriya. Uraraka. You mind if I wait outside until the two of you are done?"

"Sure. We can handle this ourselves." Ochako waves her hand in a way to state Togata could go ahead with him practically running out the door with the set of eyes keeping their line of sight on him until they couldn't anymore.

A half an hour passes before the two exit the shop to see the blond not exactly fond of his interaction inside the shop. "You got everything?"

Izuku held up a bag with almost everything checked off the list. "All we need are a few things we can get at a grocery store. Since there won't be creepy eyes staring at you, you can go in and get those." Togata laughed a bit before asking.

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