"We're going to play a little truth or dare" cackles Calum evilly
"Okay then, but I go first" I say laughing at Calum's attempt to sound evil
I look around the room and decide to ask Ashton
"Ashton. Truth or Dare?" I smile
"Truth. All the time" he says confidently
"Alright then. Ill start off easy. What's your favourite thing about Emily?" I ask and he instantly turns red and so does Emily
"Emmm...." He thinks "her smile." He says awkwardly.
I laugh to myself. Mission Make Ashton embarrassed complete.
"Okay me next" chirps Emily and she stares right at me.
"Stephanie. Truth or Dare" she asks mischievously
"Dare" I decide. after seeing what happened with Ashton I didn't want to be embarrassed.
"I dare you to kiss the nearest person to your left.". She smirks
I turn to the left and see its Luke. I hear Emily giggle and I don't know why but it kinda gets me pissed.
"Easy" I say confidently and I turn to luke and press my lips against his.
I forget about the dare and that there is people in the room and our lips keep moving with each other.
"Okay okay" says Emily, annoyance obvious in her voice.
We pull apart and I see that Luke has turned bright red. Just then there is a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" I half shout and I leap off the bed. I was never one for PDA, it was always so awkward.
"OH MY GOD!" I hear Michael yell
I literally face palm. This is so embarrassing.
I answer the door and see four British boys and one Irish standing there laughing.
"Who has a boner?" Chuckles Niall
"No one" I blurt out and they all laugh at my awkwardness.
"BONDING TIME IS OVER. I REPEAT BONDING TIME IS OVER!" I shout down the hall to the guys.
I turn back around and tell the 1D lads to come in.
I hold the door open as they all pile into the room. I close the door shut and trail slowly into the room trying to compose myself.
All the guys look up at me smirking and I see Luke looking at me apologetically and he mouths the words "I'm so sorry" I walk over and rejoin him back on the bed.
"It's fine" I whisper in his ear.
"What are you two love birds talking about?" Grins Calum
"We're talking about ways in which we can chop off that dick of yours if you don't shut up" I growl
"Geez sorry" says Calum raising his hands in surrender.
"Wait, hold up. Luke and Steph are going out?" Asks a confused Louis. Cal nods his head in response.
"Aww" cooes Harry and Zayn
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I see that UNKOWN is calling. I press the accept button and raise the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I ask into the mic wondering who could be ringing me.
"Hi Babe" I hear a familiar voice say through the phone.
My heart stops and then begins to race at a hundred miles an hour. My palms start to sweat and I start shaking. How the fuck did he get my number?
"Babe, are you alright?" Asks Luke concerned
"What the fuck do you want?" I hiss into the phone
"Don't stress babe, I just wanted to say hi" chuckles Jake
"Do NOT call me babe!" I shout
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" says Luke taken aback.
"Oh not you Luke" I say to luke realising how that must sound
"Steph who are you taking to?" Asks Emily
I hear Jake growl. "Who is Luke?" He spits
"My boyfriend. Have you got a problem with that?" I say as I rise up from the bed.
"I'm going to come and kick that boys ass" Jake yells.
"No you will not. Jake you stay the fuck away" I warn and I hear the guys in the room gasp as they find out who is on the phone.
"You don't tell me what to do" he shouts angrily
"What do you want?" I ask worried
"I know where you are." he says and I can tell he is smirking.
My blood turns cold. He couldn't. Could he?
"Your bluffing!" I exclaim
"Steph get off the phone"i hear Luke beg
I turn to look at him and shh him.
"Your in the hotel in Scotland, I'm right down the hall. If you were trying to hide from me you shouldn't be hanging out with two huge bands known worldwide.and you should tell them that they shouldn't use Twitter anymore. They give away too much information" he laughs
I quickly hit the decline button and my phone tumbles to the floor.
"Who posted on Twitter that we were in Scotland?" I whisper calmly
"Me. Why?" Asks Liam
"Oh my god you IDIOT!" Exclaims Ashton
That's all I needed to know. Jake knew where I was and if he was telling the truth he was waiting for me.
"I got to go" I whisper
"No you can't leave" urges Emily
"Em's right" agrees Luke.
"Watch me" is all I manage to say and I quickly grab a chair closest to me and drag it out the door. I slam the door shut and jam the chair up against the door handle.
"Steph, Stop" I hear Luke banging against the door.
"I'm sorry" I mumble and I walk down the hall and try to find Jake.
I shouldn't of told him about Luke. Now he knows he is going to kill him. Why was I so stupid and think this was going to work. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear footsteps.
"Looking for me?"
Hope you guys liked this chapter. Tell me what you think.
Love you guys xx

On The Road: Luke Hemmings FF
FanfictionWhile on tour with One Direction, Stephanie meets 5 Seconds of Summer, and the quiet tour that she was looking forward to is disturbed....