,, What's he doing in Japan? '' Colt asked.
,, Why couldn't we go? '' Tumtum added.
,, Shhh, wait. '' Rocky muted Colt and Tumtum to hear the rest of the line.
, And, I got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I had a meeting with the boss and teachers of this school today. And the bad news is, I just got kidnapped. '
The 3 brother's gasped for they were in shock.
, But don't tell Rocky, Colt and Tumtum. They probably might freak out if you told them.'
,, Who kidnapped Grandpa? And why? '' Colt asked.
, Just tell Sam to come to Japan himself as soon as possible. I don't want the boy's get into any trouble again. And besides, these guy's got me bad. Later. ' the line ended.
,, What are we gonna do?'' Tumtum asked.
,, Yeah. We can't just leave Grandpa alone in Japan. '' Colt said.
,, Why would he ever get kidnapped?'' Rocky asked.
,, And why did Grandpa go without telling us? And told Mom and Dad not to tell us either? '' Colt questioned.
,, Well that's something we just have to find out ourselves. '' Rocky stood up from sitting.
Colt nodded and Tumtum agreed.Moments later Mrs. Douglas came home, carrying a few grocerie bag's in her arms.
,, I'm home! '' she called. But there was no response ,, Boy's? '' Mrs. Douglas begun to look around ,, Rocky? Colt? Tumtum? '' she kept calling, until she stopped and saw a note on the living room coffee table.
Mrs. Douglas took the note and opened it and began to read it.
, Sorry Mom. But we left for Japan. Grandpa's in trouble - Rocky. '
Mrs. Douglas screamed as loud as she could. For she could not believe that her son's took off and flew to Japan, again!
The 3 brother's were already in the air. On their way to Japan!
The flight landed safely alright as they got there. This was their 2nd time coming to Japan and nothing really changed. Neither the people!
They got out of the airport and took a cab.
,, Can you take us to Musashi Ninja Clan Shinobi-Samurai Honjin Dojo school? '' Rocky asked the Japanese cab driver.
The cab driver didn't seem to understand Rocky, because he couldn't understand the English language.
,, Uh, Rocky. You still do know some Japanese language, right? '' Colt asked.
,, Oh right. '' Rocky said. Then Rocky asked the cab driver the same thing but in the Japanese language.
Cab driver nodded and showed his hands to the boy's.
,, What does he want? '' Tumtum asked.
,, Okane. '' the driver said he wanted money.
,, Money. He wants money. '' Colt reminded.
Rocky went through his wallet mad gave him a few dollars ,, Since when did you know some Japanese? '' he looked at Colt.
,, In the same way you did. '' Colt smiled.
The driver started off driving ,, Did you forget taxi drivers get paid for driving Rocky? '' Tumtum asked.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the school where Grandpa got and got kidnapped, a Ninja took Grandpa to a room where they wanted to lock him up. He first checked Grandpa's pocket to make sure he wasn't carrying any weapons.
Then the Ninja got a picture out of Grandpa's pocket. A picture of him and Rocky, Colt and Tumtum, wearing their Ninja uniforms.
,, Are these your Grandsons? '' the Ninja asked in a Japanese language.
,, Yes. '' Grandpa nodded.
,, Have they trained well? ''
,, Yes. They have learned well. '' Grandpa answered.
The Ninja didn't say anything and gave the picture back to Grandpa. Then some more Ninja guards came and tied Grandpa up and locked the door on their way out.
There was an opened cell window threw the door and Grandpa came and looked out of it at Ninja guards in the hallway ,, Who are you. And why are you doing this? '' he asked.
The Ninja guard thought a bit ,, Do you know Shin Tang Wo? ''
Grandpa said nothing. For yes, he sure did knew exactly who Shin Tang Wo was. But why did the Ninja guard mention him?
,, You'll see. Soon. '' The Ninja guard continues.
,, How long are you keeping me here?'' Grandpa added.
,, For as long as you wish. '' The Ninja guard laugh. Then the guards walked away, leaving Grandpa there alone.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The cab arrived to the boy's destination.
Rocky, Colt and Tumtum thanked the driver and got outside. The cab drove off away.
They looked at the big building for a while ,, This must be it. '' Rocky said.
Colt sighed ,, Let's go. ''
The 3 brother's walked inside. There were only Ninja guards in the entry room. At first site, no one noticed that American Boy's were coming in.
Suddenly they all begun to stare at Rocky, Colt and Tumtum.
,, Uh... Rocky? I'm having a bad feeling about this. '' Tumtum said.
,, Yeah. You were eating all the way here to Japan. '' Colt replied.
,, Did not. ''
,, Did too. ''
,, Guy's, look out! '' Rocky shouted and stopped his brothers from arguing. For a few Ninjas came running up to them with a sword.
Tumtum stood in the middle and pushed Rocky and Colt away and he himself ducked down.
The Ninjas ran out of the way and fell to the floor.
The 3 brother's gathered around in a circle having each others back, while all the other Ninja guards circled around them.
,, Here we go again. '' Rocky said making his fists ready.
,, Should we make a move or should they? '' Tumtum asked.
,, Well my point is, who's the reason we came here for? '' Colt asked.
,, AYA! '' Rocky and Colt kicked their first 2 enemies, while Tumtum took his first.
Grandpa was 2 floors higher, and suddenly he heard yelling and punching echos from distance.
Grandpa stood up from sitting and listened closely to what he thought he heard ,, Boys? '' he asked himself.
Colt fought against 2 Ninjas and each of them were carrying a sword. Colt already knew had to take care of them because he's been through it before.
Rocky also fought against 2 Ninjas but only one of them had a sword. So for Rocky it wasn't really that hard.
And Tumtum only fought against one Ninja. And in no time, Tumtum got the Ninja down all by himself.
Then Rocky got his 2 enemies down then he ran to help Colt.
,, Aya! '' Rocky kicked one Ninja in the face and Colt did the other. The 2 Ninja were down.
,, Yeah! '' the 3 brother's gave each other a high-five.
,, Now come on! Let's go find Grandpa! '' Rocky said.
Colt and Tumtum followed their brother from one hallway to another. They tried and checked every room to every door that appeared.
Then they begun to go a few floors higher. Then they begun to run and called Grandpa.
Grandpa heard them calling him from the hallway.
,, Rocky! Colt! '' Grandpa called back.
The 3 brother's got to an iron door with a cell window into it.
,, Grandpa! '' The Boys finally found their Grandpa, who actually was locked up in a cold empty room.
,, Boy's! Oh you have no idea how much I could use a hug right now! '' Grandpa said.
,, Same here! '' Tumtum agreed.
,, Why are you locked up in here? '' Rocky asked.
,, Yeah and who did this to you? '' Colt added.
,, These Ninjas, aren't apparently from this school. They've been against me ever since a started training you guy's. They say I'm training you in a disrespectful way and I'm not doing it right. That's why they got me. '' Grandpa said.
,, What? '' Rocky gasped.
,, Why? Every move you taught us is getting better and better. '' Colt said.
,, And why these Ninjas? If they're not even from this school? What's their point? '' Rocky asked.
,, They're point is, they also got the boss who's running this place. And they're jealous because this school runs better than all the other's here in Japan. '' Grandpa answered.
,, Who's running this place than? '' Colt asked.
,, Shin Tang Wo. The boss. My teacher who teached me Ninja while I was Tumtums age. We had a great meeting yesterday, him asking if I wanted to open my own school back in Las Angeles. And these Ninjas here? Are just being out of their mind of what they're doing. '' Grandpa said.
,, Really? The boss asked you that? What did you say to it? '' Rocky asked.
,, I told him I'd think about it. '' Grandpa replied.
,, Well first, how are we gonna get you out? '' Tumtum looked at the iron door from the bottom to the top.
,, They locked the door with a locker and they took the key with them. So you probably have to start looking for something guys. '' Grandpa answered.
The 3 Brothers started to look around what they could find in the hallway.
Then Colt spotted an axe that hung on the wall. He walked up to it and took the axe from hanging.
,, Whoa.''Rocky said as he saw Colt coming carrying a huge axe.
,, Uh, Colt, be careful.'' Tumtum reminded him.
,, Will this work Grandpa? '' Colt asked.
Grandpa nodded ,, It should. ''
,, Stay back, you two. '' Colt said.
Rocky and Tumtum got out of the way.
Colt looked at the locker and swung the axe in between. He closed his eyes and sighed.
And BAAM!!! Colt broke the locker in half with the axe!
,, Whoa! '' Rocky smiled.
,, Yeah, Colt. You did it! '' Tumtum jumped.
Colt smiled and threw the axe away and opened the iron door.
Grandpa came out chuckling. The 3 brother's gave their Grandpa all a great hug.
Then they released.
,, Let's untie you too. '' Rocky scoffed. He went behind Grandpa and untied him.
,, Wait... Who told you I was in Japan?'' Grandpa asked.
,, You did. '' Tumtum said.
,, We heard the voice mail you wanted to tell Mom that you got kidnapped and you didn't wanted us to know. '' Rocky added.
,, Why didn't you want us to know? '' Colt asked.
,, Because you boy's still have school and I didn't wanted to cause you any more trouble. But since it's Friday and you already got here, I'm very glad you came. '' Grandpa smiled.
,, Then what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here. '' Rocky said.
,, Yeah. But first. We have to look for the boss and his men. And that means we have to split up. Except for Tumtum. He can go with Rocky. '' Grandpa replied.
The Boys nodded.
,, Four strans of rope? Colt reminded.
The 4 Ninjas put their right hands on another.
,, Four strans of rope. '' Grandpa smiled.
Rocky, Colt and Tumtum smiled back.
,, Yeah! '' Their hands flew up in the air.
So they all split up. Rocky and Tumtum went apart, Colt went apart and Grandpa went apart. Ready to go and look for the boss.

Fighting With My Brothers - A 3 Ninjas Comeback - A 12 Story Collection
AdventureThree young brothers Samuel, Jeffrey and Michael Douglas, American boy's who spend their time in the summer at their Grandpa's cabin, Morri Shintaro, an old Japanese martial artist who trains his own grandsons ninja lessons and trainings. Alot of a...