The secret is out!

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Time skip

"Remember it was so much fun!" Emma says reminiscing through some memories from long ago and Gilda giggles happily.

"It's been a while since we talked like this." Gilda says, in all honesty.

"It's weird, right? Even though we're together everyday." Emma says and Gilda puts her hand on top of Emma's.

"And we'll be together from now on too, right?" Gilda asks and Emma smiles, putting her other hand on top of her's.

"Yeah." Emma says.

Later that night

Gilda woke up and left the room. Emma woke up too and followed her but slowly and quietly.

Ray's POV, downstairs

I passed the note and then it went through a door and I'm sure Mama saw it. She got up, picking the note up and she 100% opened it, seeing what I wrote inside.

Rope, Norman, bed

"I see. The rope is hidden under Norman's bed." Mama says happily and I left to go back upstairs to sleep.

(Damn if only I could get sleep but instead I got insomnia, nice trade right?)

(That means that i can stay up late to write u guys more chapters, i get to stay up late to play video games and u guys get wattpad chapters, now that's an even better trade exchange 🥳)

With Gilda and Emma

The door opens and Sister is face to face with Gilda.

"I've been waiting for you, Gilda." Sister says and Emma gasps just as Gilda goes in Sister's room and closes the door. Emma being...well, Emma, slowly tip-toed towards Sister's door and leans her ear next to it, to hear the conversation between the 2.

"Now, please talk to me, Gilda." Sister says.

"You mean about that issue, right?" Gilda asks.

"Well, there isn't anything I'm worried about. I appreciate that you frequently check on me out of concern." Gilda says as Emma's face drops in confusion.

"That's right, I'm worried." Sister says.

"But I'm okay now. So can you please stop worrying about me. Goodnight." Gilda says and Emma smiles in happiness that Gilda was not a Traitor.

"I see. Emma told you everything, then? So, Gilda, you know about everything now, don't you?" Sister asks with a scary tone.

"Darn, it's too bad, Gilda. I thought we could become friends. So who else knows? Norman. Ray. Anyone else?" Sister asks before continuing.

"I'll let you off the hook, so why don't we join hands?" Sister says and Gilda's breath becomes shaken up, but she then pushes Sister Krone away.

"Please stop! I don't know what you're talking about! I just had a fight with Emma. But we made up, so everything's ok now!" Gilda says and Sister then giggles.

"I see. So it was my misunderstanding. I apologize." Sister says and walks towards Gilda and leans down to her ear.

"If you think Emma lied to you, come back to me." She says in a low whisper and gets back away from Gilda's side.

"I'll see you later, Gilda." Sister says as Gilda gets out the room and the door closes. Gilda goes back into the room she shared with some of her siblings and closes the door. Then Emma walks behind her and stares straight at her.

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"Emma..." Gilda says in a low voice.

"Gilda..." Emma says and Gilda begins to tear up and hugs Emma and Emma hugs back in hopes to comfort the younger girl.

With Sister

"I'm not giving up. If I can't get Gilda, then..." Sister says.

'It just has to be someone else.' Sister says.

Timeskip in the morning, outside

"Thank you for all your help, Don." Sister says.

"Yeah, no problem." Don says.

"You think we should be worried?" Gilda asks Emma.

"It's time to go, Mom's watching." Emma says.

With me, Ray, and Norman

We were scrubbing the clothes the old fashion way, a piece of clothes and a scrubber. (I think that's what it's called.)

"According to what Emma told me, Gilda is innocent. I'm curious, why do you guys think the traitor's betraying us?" Norman asks.

"Maybe it's because there must be some merit in doing so." Ray says.

"So they can be spared from being shipped out and become adults." I say and Norman gasps but then calms himself down.

"A guarantee to live, huh?" Norman says in a low voice.

'For now at least.' I say and look up to the sky.

With Emma, Don and Gilda

Emma was running around and some kids right behind her, while Don and Gilda were watching.

"I see, so this was training for running away." Don says as Norman was watching them from afar.

At night with Emma and Norman

"1, 2, 3..." Emma says taking steps.

"Emma?" Norman calls out and Emma looks up to see Norman's face.

"Can we talk?" Norman says and they go into the dining room.

"I'd like to hear your opinion." Norman says to which Emma hm's at and sits down on a near by chair.

"If there's someone who is willingly being an agent of the demons, and that by spying on us, they are guaranteed to continue living..." Norman says.

"You mean, in exchange for spying on us, they won't get shipped out and can live?" Emma asks and Norman nods.

"Would you leave that person behind? Or take them with us?" Norman asks and Emma thinks before quickly answering.

"I'd take them with us." Emma says and Norman flinches.

"Even if that person didn't want that?" Norman asks and Emma nods her head.

"Yeah. I'd force them to come with us. Because if we escape, that person's life might not be guaranteed anymore." Emma says and Norman gasps.

"Also, I want to believe in everyone. What happened with Gilda made me realize that. Ray told me to suspect everyone, but even if there's a traitor who is a demon's agent, no one within our siblings is truly a bad person." Emma says and Norman smiles.

"We all grew up together. Even if that person gets in the way, betrays us, or says I'm naive, I still want to believe in them!" Emma says and Norman closes his eyes and starts thinking of what was the point of asking Emma if he already knew her answer.

"Right. Of course you would say that, Emma." Norman says with a closed eye smile.

Later with Norman and Ray

Norman checks the ceiling to see if the rope was there. He got it and handed it to Ray and Ray got it and nodded towards Norman and Norman returned it.

At the boys room

"No rope?" Ray asks and Norman shakes his head.

"Nothing." Norman says and gets up.

"Seriously? Then it's confirmed that it's Don." Ray says and Norman nods. Norman then looks at Ray, and Ray stares back at Norman.

Norman then says something that Ray would never have guessed that his friend would ever say.

"Actually it's you who's the Traitor, Ray."

(Correct, but you're partially wrong my dude, you're like 1/2 correct, you're just missing the other half bro 🙄 💅)

(Also I fixed the thing of Norman looks at Norman, at least I think, so ye.)

(I know that this is a short ass chapter but the next one is in progress I swear. Cross my heart and hope to die and stick a needle in my eye, actually don't stick a needle in my eye but u get what I'm saying the next one is coming soon just gimme some time.)

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