33 Start to Move On

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"Any other problems you want to air out?"

"I've got a whole fucking list," she said.

"Then get it out so we can fucking move on from this shit," I said.

"Thomas," she said and I instantly knew what she was referring to.

"I apologized Mom. Several times. I'm sorry again that it happened but I wouldn't take back a second that I spent caring for him," I said.

"Clay," she said.

"I'm not apologizing for that. He cost me my first child and covered it up. That is not my fault."

"He's your stepfather," she said.

"He's your husband," I said. "I was 16 when Dad died. The only other father figure I want is Piney. I want nothing to do with someone who claimed to be my fathers best friend and then slept with his wife behind his back."

"You little fucking bitch," she said and lunged at me. Bobby stopped her.

"No. Let her fucking come at me," I said. "If it's going to get her to move on from this."

"No, the club needs to know everything," Piney said. He knew everything because he stepped into a father role for Jax and I after our father died.

"Church?" Jax asked. Piney nodded and everyone started heading into the clubhouse and rounding everyone not watching Mom and I up for church.

"Jax," I said, jogging to catch up to him. "I'm sorry for everything you're about to hear about Mom and I. I never wanted you to find out like this."

"It's not your fault our mom's psycho."

I nodded and he hugged me before heading in to church. I went into the clubhouse, stopping by the bar.

"Come on babe," Tig said, taking my hand and leading me into the church.

When everyone was gathered, Piney stood up. He was VP for the time being but I knew he'd have to step down in the next few years for health reasons.

"Listen up," Piney said. "Sam and Gemma got into it and a lot of you heard some shit. Sam's gonna clear it all up for you."

I nodded and Tig squeezed my hand that was on his shoulder reassuringly. I was standing behind him, not having a seat of my own at the table.

"Most of you know that Jax and I's younger brother Thomas died from the family flaw when he was six. Well, shortly before he died he got super sick because his heart was weakening," I started. I was already tearing up. Jax stood up and moved to stand beside me with his arm around me.

"My dad was away in Belfast a lot on club shit and my mom was out a lot trying to cope with a kid who was dying and a marriage that was failing. That left me to care for my brothers at sixteen. One night a couple weeks before Tommy died, he was worse than usual. I really thought that was going to be my last night with him. Jax was in bed across the room and I held Tommy while he cried from the pain he was in. He asked me for a drink but he called me Mama. Gemma had just gotten home and overheard as I explained that our Mom was busy but she still loved him. She got pissed that he called me mom and when I went to get him his drink she bounced my face off the wall for it. Luckily dad and Piney were walking through the door and pulled her off of me and she went to check on Tommy as Piney cleaned up my busted nose."

I took a few deep breaths before continuing.

"A few weeks later he died and a couple months after that my father died too," I said. I went on to explain how I'd become pregnant and my mother and Clay were pissed so Clay beat the shit out of me until I had a miscarriage and covered it up with my infamous car accident from being a "grieving and rebellious" teenager.

"Gemma also said something about you lying about Ava," Tig said.

"I didn't tell my family about my decision to move to France until I had graduated college and was moving there. I came home for a week at graduation and turned around and went back to France. I was three months pregnant with Ava at the time. I moved in with her father and a couple of months later I made the call to my mom from the prepaid she'd given me. She was obviously upset that she wasn't going to be a part of Ava's life, but I was happy where I was," I said. "I never lied about it, but I also didn't tell people the second I knew. Which is also what happened with our engagement."

I paused and held up my left hand.

"We got engaged a couple of months ago. Piney knew because Tig asked for his and a proxy of JTs blessings. And Juice knew because he asked why I had been wearing Tig's ring a few months ago. He gave me one of his to wear until he could get a true engagement ring."

"Why are you telling us lass?" Chibs asked.

"So you all know who you're working for I guess," I said with a shrug.

"Because there's some club business we need to attend to based on this information," Piney said.

"That's my cue to leave," I said. I kissed Tig quickly before heading out with the Prospects.

"Can we get you anything?" Juice asked.

"No thanks though," I said, sitting down at the bar and hanging my head into my hands.

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