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Well for starters I am so sorry for the long wait! Summer Holidays have been a blast and I completely forgot about Wattpad! I mean like I didn't even post on my one-shots book!

But still thank you all so much for sticking by my side! Thank you all!

Well let's begin!

Chapter 28

[Astrid's POV]

After hearing what Heather said it just broke my heart. I knew what the consequences were when I was assigned this job by Stoick himself and it was also part of our protocol that if we were captured we become spies undercover and find out as much as we could before Stoick pulled us out. On the other hand the amount I cared for Hayden was too much, that's why I kept on informing Stoick that we shouldn't be pulled out yet. Then he double crossed me.....


It was another day at Bewilder Beast, the people who signed up to join were being trained as usual and the gang and I were doing good, the previous day I had just told Stoick to pull us out as I 'was still gathering information' which was a lie, I was just trying to buy me some more time. Suddenly as I was at breakfast I got a call, it was from Stoick!

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello Astrid, I think you already know who I am." He said. I didn't reply back. 

"Well, it seems that you have not been holding up your wend of the deal."

"W-What do you m-mean sir?"

"My sources have informed me that you've fallen in LOVE with my son!" I was speechless after that. 

"I cannot be in the middle of a war with many people and also have to worry about one of my best agents doing this kind of stuff! In the next week you will take Hiccup Haddock to a apartment in Berk City and walk him into an ambush or else, I'm not sure how people would think if your Daughter were to be taken." My heart dropped when I heard those words.

"Please don't hurt her!" I pleaded but all I heard was the phone being cut.....

Flashback end

I looked around the room I had been locked in, there was a bunk bed and a toilet with a mirror on one wall. I know it's a double sided mirror with one side glass, I was here when they made them. I looked at everyone, they all were just eating quietly, not even looking at me. Suddenly the door opened and maybe around 10 armed guards along with Spitelout entered the room.

"Take 'em to their rooms!" He ordered as we were all grabbed out of the room except for Heather and Dagur. Suddenly I was blindfolded along with everyone else as we started to move down a corridor. I was shove into a room with another person I couldn't see as the door shut behind us. I could feel my hands were freed as I took of my blindfold to meet a pair of forest-green eyes looking back at mine. I knew instantly who they belonged to. Hayden got up from the floor and looked around the room, the corners were dark while the middle of the room was lit with only a light bulb. Hayden made his way to one corner of the room and just leaned against the wall, not saying a word. I guess now the pressure is on for me to fix what Hayden and I had, if it's even possible.....


Well this is a short one I know! I am so sorry for taking this long for this chapter!

I want to shoutout everyone who showed their love and support for me! There are so many people that I cannot even shoutout all of them! 

Thank you all so much though!


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