Killing you, not so easily [Naruto Story] Chapter 02

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Walking around the village, I growled in frustration. I couldn't find that stupid fox boy anywhere. Where'd he go? Did he just like disappear of the face of the earth?

How does Aichi-Sama expect me to befriend and assassinate him if I can't even find him? It's impossible!

My thoughts got cut off by the abrupt stop I came to. I looked to see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes with three lines on each side of his face. "Hey! Watch where you're going, believe it!" He yelled right in my ear.

I inwardly groaned at the loud noise. Who needs to be that loud?

The boy crossed his arms and stared at me. "Hey, who are you? I've never seen you around here." He questioned, bringing his face closer to mine.

I moved away from him and scowled. "Hn." I mumbled. He got too close and he's loud, I don't know him or like him.

"Oh, I see... it's another Sasuke." He muttered as his curious look turned into a glare.

"What is it with you people in this town and Sasuke? First that pink haired girl and now you." I commented, wrinkling my nose a bit.

"Huh? You've already met Sakura-Chan?" The boy asked, suddenly very interested.

I didn't respond, I just stared at the lines on his face. They kind of looked like fox whiskers, could he be...?

"You know, you kind of tick me-"

I cut him off though, "Hey, what's your name?"

He gave me an annoyed look but answered. "Uzumaki Naruto, the next Hokage."

I couldn't help but smirk a bit. Ah ha! That's what I thought, there's my target. "Oh! Well then, I'm sorry for being so rude." I apologized quickly, giving him a whole-hearted... fake smile.

His eye brow rose. "Whoa, total mood swing..." He said mainly to himself, he suddenly grinned. "What's your name?"

"Takeda Yuki." Your Assassin. I added in my head. "I just moved here yesterday." I informed him.

Before he could reply, a long white haired man appeared. I narrowed my eyes. That person... "Naruto, it's time for more... whoa, who is this young girl?" He questioned as he turned towards me and started staring.

I stumbled back in surprise at his closeness. As I tried to regain my balance, the man came closer, causing me to fall onto the ground.

Naruto sweat dropped, "Pervy Sage-"

"Don't call me that, Naruto." The man snapped, cutting Naruto off. "I'm Jiraiya, the toad sage!"

My eyes widened. Jiraiya the sannin...? Oh great.

What if Jiraiya figured out why I'm here? I mean, I'm sure he does his research about organizations. Even if Aichi's organization is not well known, it's easy to find. Although, in a way, shouldn't he be thankful to us? We're interfering with the Akatsuki's goals. We're killing off all the Jincuuriki... and its working.

"Yuki... Yuki." Naruto whispered, putting a long drawl on the 'u' in my name.

"Yes, Naruto-San?" I asked politely. I had to be so that Naruto trusted me.

Once again before Naruto could say anything, an ANBU appeared behind me, grabbing my shoulder. "Takeda Yuki, the Hokage would like to see you. She wishes to test your power." The ANBU explained and started dragging me away.

I didn't protest because I was kind of confused. I wasn't even settled into my house yet!

After a few minutes of being dragged to the Hokage, we were there. The Hokage had her chin rested on her intertwined hands, and her eyes were closed. "Yuki, I want you to go on a C-Rank mission, by yourself. It's just a nice mission to test your skills."

"What? Right now?" I asked in a whiny tone. I had to get to know Naruto!

"Yes, now don't question me." She bit back before glancing at a lady who was standing in the room also. "Shizune, her mission info."

"Yes, Tsunade-Sama!" She replied, quickly handing the sheets of paper to her.

"Your mission is to capture some bandits and bring them here."

I couldn't help loose my straight posture and raise my eyebrow at her. "...What?"

"You heard me."

"You're kidding, right? A four year old could do that!" I exclaimed, causing her to glare at me.

"Just go and do it already!" She demanded with a yell.

I sighed in defeat, bowed and quickly left to get ready.


Sorry it's really, really short. But at least I updated! Stupid writers block D: I think I can easily write out the next one though. So now, THE FILLERS BEGIN! Muahahaha! :D Kishimoto-San can have them, so I can too. Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2011 ⏰

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