Chapter 11

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John's eyes grew wide. After just a moment's hesitation, he fell onto Sherlock and a hug and said, "Yes! Of course."

Sherlock's face broke out into the happiest grin John had ever seen. "Oh, thank God," he said, hugging John back.

John shakily stuck out his left hand, and Sherlock slipped the ring on.

At this precise moment, Mrs. Hudson opened the door.

Sherlock didn't even try to move back and come up with some kind of explanation. He just let Mrs. Hudson drop the tray carrying tea on the floor and squeal like a little girl!

"What--when--how long--" She gasped, unable to form complete sentences.

"John and I have loved one another for a very long time, and there's nobody I would rather spend the rest of my life with. We're getting married, yes, but we don't know when."

Mrs. Hudson squealed again and hugged and kissed Sherlock and John. "Ooh, I'm so excited!! Does anyone--"

"No, Mrs. Hudson, nobody knows. I suppose we have to tell them, though." Sherlock sighed. "Mycroft will probably organize a parade to walk down central London, chanting, 'CONFIRMED BACHELOR MARRIES SOCIOPATHIC GENIUS!'."

John laughed out loud. Mrs. Hudson smiled warmly. "I love you both," she said.

"We love you too, Mrs. Hudson," John said.

Mrs. Hudson cleaned up the tea spill and quickly went to get more.

"Before she gets back..." Sherlock started. He then kissed John passionately, cupping his face in his large hands. He pulled away just as Mrs. Hudson returned.

"Well, John, time to bite the bullet."

Sherlock dialed Mycroft's number.

"Brother dear," answered Mycroft.

"Mycroft, it seems that I--um, John and I, we--"

"You're engaged, congratulations. Remember, Sherlock, I have eyes all over London. Now, when shall the wedding be?"

Sherlock sighed loudly. "That whole 'spying on me' can be particularly unnerving."

Mycroft laughed. "When is the wedding?" He asked again.

"We haven't decided." Sherlock said flatly. "Anyway, goodb--"



"Confirmed Bachelor Marries Sociopathic Genius DOES have a nice ring.."

Sherlock hung up and sighed loudly.

"Anyway," he said. "How should we tell the others? Molly and Lestrade and such."

John looked down, thinking. "I don't know, it's not really something you can bring up in casual conversation. 'Yes, it was the sister who killed him, hey guess what, I'm getting married!'"

Sherlock chuckled. He frowned and said, "Should we invite them to one of those..things where people eat together?"

"Invite them to dinner, Sherlock?" John laughed.

"Yes, yes that."

"Alright, I'll call them later to come over tonight. Hey Sherlock, who are you going to choose to be the best man?"

Sherlock thought for a moment, and said "I...I suppose Lestrade would be...acceptable."

John's face lit up. "Oh, he's going to be so happy. I'm not sure who I'm going to choose, though."

Sherlock walked over to John and pulled him onto the couch. "I don't care who you choose, as long as I'm your favorite man," he teased.

"Always." John said, looking up at him.

They kissed gently, but let go as they heard a sound.

It sounded like...drums and other instruments and such.

John got up quickly and looked out the window.

A small parade was marching down Baker St.

"I AM GOING TO KILL MYCROFT." They said at the same time. Unable to control themselves, Sherlock and John started laughing so hard they were soon gasping for breath. Sherlock called Mycroft and threatened him, but he laughed so hard inbetween his threat was completely invalid. Mycroft seemed pleased that John and Sherlock laughed at his "prank".

John kissed Sherlock for a long time, and they laid down until Lestrade and Molly arrived.

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