School starts next week.
Those are my least favourite words in the entire world.
And I know I'm not the only one.
The only thing that makes me excited is that it's going to be my birthday tommorow! Sweet sixteen, huh?
Jeez, I feel so old, yet I'm still too young.
Sighing I put my skirt on and glance at my reflection in the mirror. I'm wearing a black t-shirt with a 'Queen' logo - my favorite band...I'm addicted - and black skirt with some black converses. I like being comfortable, but still dressed up somewhat presentable. I can't just go downstairs in my baggy sweatpants and oversized t-shirt how I always do.
For some reason I'm celebrating my birthday today. It was my parents' idea. They said that I won't have time to celebrate tomorrow and when I asked them why they just shrugged and said "Well, we guess that you will be busy tomorrow."
I smell something fishy going on here and it's definitely not the fish that I had for lunch today.
Or is it?
I smell my breath to make sure it doesn't stink and with one last look into the mirror I make my way down the stairs and then I step outside the house into our garden.
It's nice. There is a big wooden table in the middle of it with five matching chairs. The table is covered with cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies - my speciality - some bio cakes that my dad and I made - he is into this bio/healthy life style - and litres of good old water which we cleaned ourselves without using any chemicals whatsoever.
I guess you could say that most of my family is into this bio-lifestyle.
Music is playing in the backround and when I say music I mean Queen. A compilation of my favorite songs by them.
I smile as I look at the blue sky. I just want to lay down, close my eyes, listen to music, relax and forget about everything. I want to forget about the fact that my friends are all gone. I want to forget about the fact that school starts in two months, even though it just ended. I want to forget about how lonely I sometimes feel.
I sometimes wish I had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who would stand up for me. A boyfriend who would make me laugh. A boyfriend who would be always there for me and I would be always there for him.
The problem is that the boys I like don't like me back - at least I think so - and I don't like those boys who like me. If you know what I mean...
I'm probably supposed to become a nun.
Last week my grandma asked me about my boyfriend and I almost choked on my water. When I told her that I don't have one, she just shook her head disapprovingly and said "When I was your age I broke up with my fourth boyfriend."
'Good for you grandma. So what? You were prettier than me, no need to rub it in my face', I wanted to say, but didn't.
I walk past the table and chairs into the back of our garden where the fence is.
I look down at the ground at the green grass below me and close my eyes praying.
I made up a prayer about ten months ago. When my dog died. I may sound like a crazy person. I mean, who prays for a dog?
Well, if you had a dog like I had, you would know exactly what I'm talking about.
Her name was Nika and I basically grew up with her. I've known her since I can remember. We've been through a lot together. She even bit me once. I guess she didn't like it when people pet her while she was eating.

Student Exchange Program
Teen FictionWhen 16 years old Veronika goes on a Student Exchange Program to New York, she expects fun, different form of education and new friends. What she does not expect is to meet the most handsome jerk in the world, in other words, 17 years old Shane. The...