[ FANTASY/ROYALTY AU ] - All you knew were the pages of books. Books that told stories of princesses falling for their knights, poor girls earning the attention of a rich prince; and you would read every page as close as you could.
With nothing but...
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As the slender figure of the male only the slightest bit taller than I myself walks alongside of me, I examine his appearance rather carefully, and the ways he expresses certain emotions.
The way he holds the strap to his bag as it sits upon his smaller shoulders, the way his subtly tangled onyx hair would sit over his eyes like a curtain if it wasn't for his hand pushing it away every few minutes, and how the fitting of his shirt seems to flatter him quite well. He seems well-put together, which made complete sense referring to the family he comes from.
He speaks with formality as an addition to his image. It's rather obvious that he is a member of the higher classes by physical attributes and cleanliness of his attire, but the way he speaks simply ties the metaphorical bow. He is known to be wealthy, and I almost seem out of place conversing with a male of his social rank.
Yet, here I am as he accompanies me back where I would call home. He had only just arrived to the forest, it would be rude of me to simply leave him to find his way all alone. I'm not aware if he knows his way through the woods, but yet again, it wouldn't be kind to exit his presence that soon.
So, he follows along. Still seeming slightly timid, he only engages in conversation when he has a question, or when I were to state something.
"Where are we headed to, if you do mind me asking? As in, how far away from the entrance of the woods." Shuyang questions.
"Approximately twenty minutes north. There is a trail leading directly from the stream to the cottage, so if you must hurry back, that would be the most efficient way to return, so you wouldn't get lost." I then inform him, ducking under a few overgrown branches. "If it's necessary, I could accompany you."
"I appreciate the offer." "Mhm."
Finding sight of the wooden structure, I slow down my pace to a simple stroll, wanting to figure out more about this boy. We had only officially met, and although he seems as though he knew about me prior to our true first impressions, we both only had a gist of what the other was like.
"Your father, does he allow you to travel here alone?" I ask. "Not... particularly," he then answers. "He would rather I not, but he understands my curiosity." "Truly? Quite surprising." "How so?" "Aren't those within the walls awfully close minded about leaving?"
Asking these types of questions are out of genuine curiosity, not disbelief. He has lived their for his entire lifetime, so I mustn't doubt these pieces of information he gives me.
"A large pocket full, yes," He confirms with a laugh. "I suppose my father and I, along with the remainder of my family, has always kept an open mind to the venturing of new places and the expanding of ones creativity. In all honesty, though, we don't particularly have the time."