Sesshomaru x mermaid reader pt1

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Requested by Kyousongg

He walked into the river waist deep, looking for you. "(Y/n) are you there?"

He heard a splash of water, you emerged from the surface gracefully. (H/c) hair whipping about, you swam up to him.

He could see a few scales of your (f/c) tail as it popped up a few times while when you finally reached him.

He welcomed you with open arms, with a smile you wrapped your wet arms around him. "How is my lovely doing?" He asked while pressing a kiss to your scalp.

"I've been fine. With these shards I've been able to protect myself easily."

He hooked a finger undenath your chin so he could look at your properly. His gaze was one filled with love and affection, you'd met each other when Rin had gone to collect some fish.

You'd mistaken her as another child who was intent on destroying your home. So you'd attempted drown her.

Sesshomaru came baring his fangs and saved her just in time. Now usually he would've killed someone on the spot. But Rin thought you were trying to save her and plus she'd never seen a beautiful mermaid. Or any at all.

So she was mesmerized, like any kid who was full of curiosity she asked a lot of questions. Eventually Sesshomaru's heart gave in during the time spent together.

He placed his lips on yours, craning your head so the kiss deepened. He finally parted for when you needed air.

"Someones missed me." You said with a laugh.

He smiled, "of course I have, plus Inuyasha and his friends have been on the hunt for more shards of the Shikon jewel. Their travels are leading them closer to you."

You let go and backstroked in the water, "they don't know who I am do they?"

"They do. But I will keep your scent from my mangy younger brother." You saw the hardness in his features, he was dead serious.

"Why would you go to all that trouble for me? You've said yourself I don't need the shards."

He stepped further into the water, "because I love you."

You froze and sighed. "Sesshomaru..."

He turned his head as you swung your hair over your shoulder. He'd quickly learnt you tended to be naked most of the time.

"I think it's too early for that." He kept his head in the other direction. "I just like to be honest with you, it's ok if it takes you time to say it back."

Before you could give a response sounds of yelling came from not too far away. Sesshomaru growled and drew his sword knowing exactly who it would be.

You zoomed through the water and grabbed his arm. "Wait! I don't expect you to fight your own brother for me!"

His golden pupils locked onto yours, "I've fought my brother many times past the point of being a dysfunctional family."

He threw off your grip from his arm and raced to hide any evidence you were around here.


Inuyasha had his sword ready to fight his older brother. "Heh want me to take the other arm too?"

Sesshomaru wanted to kill him for that remark. "All I ask is you stay way from here and I won't kill you."

The younger dog demon scoffed, "as if. Kagome can sense 12 shards nearby I'm not gonna turn tail and run just because you have some mystery shit going on!"

"Its settled then. I'm going to kill you."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "as you've said countless times."

Sesshomaru loved you so much his heart ached. He couldn't be around 24/7 to protect you and with those shards embedded in your tail. You didn't need anyone to fight your battles.

I hope I met your expectations.

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