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A wolf came by, hunting—but found a menacing vixen instead.


"Sir, I have a bad news"

My thoughts were cut off by his sudden intrusion. I slowly turned my chair around while I nibbled my ring between my fingers. I looked up at him with my eyes demanding for him to continue.

He gulped down.

"Mr. Ruzo had an accident"

My fingers halted, I slowly leaned my back on the chair and tapped my fingers on the table, harmoniously. Now, someone poked a wrong button.

"He was sent to the hospital immediately and was reported to have spiral fracture on his femur. Also, the driver was on the same hospital but someone took care of their bills. The assigned officer said the culprit and the victims have a settlement and that is to shoulder all the hospital expenses as well as financial support for the victim's family while they are on the process of healing" he smiled a little "I guess the offender is a wealthy person so, it means we are free from expens-" he bit his tongue and froze after realizing he was on his way of making his own death wish.

"It's not the you mind a little cash but I am just simply speaking the little advantage on our part" he shook his head, anxiously and vowed in submission.

"Bring me to that person" I said deeply and like a voice controlled machine, his body sent in motion immediately.

Seems like cancelling my plans wouldn't be wasted. I buttoned up my suit and walked my way out from the office to someone who's life was definitely in line today and so I thought too...not until I laid my eyes on her.

"Who are you and tell me your business"

She repeated her question as her cold reddish brown eyes took all over me, and my mouth parted unconsciously from how they gazed on me.

Taking all her visuals, she looked gorgeously intimidating, but I have noticed that slight furrow on her eyebrows—creating a small inverted arc.

Like she's recalling something but couldn't remember it and giving a slight twist in the corner of her mouth.


I opened my mouth but I cannot think straight or any word while her eyes piercing through me.

My thoughts are like chaotic ball of yarn and I see rain and a pink puff jacket.


I tilted my head a bit and looked at her desk instead. Gathering myself a little, I managed to spoke.

"You should have known it"

Then, my eyes went back to her again like a magnet she is.

"I'm not the one who came with no notice to start with" her brows arc lofty.

I smiled within, feisty.

"I have no chauffeur" I said and took a step towards her like the magnet she is.

"Well, then you've come to a wrong address. This is not an agency"

I can't help but to resurface my smile.

"But I caught the offender" I walked to her and stopped inches between us.

I have the urge to tugged her loose hair behind her ear and I have no strength to refuse so, I did.

She had drain me by simply existing in front of me.

Then, right there, right where my finger feathery grazed her skin, that's where the blush took place. No, it wasn' was too strong for just a simple blush—it was red. Her ear reddened, and slowly creeping its way down to her creamy cheeks.

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