Chapter 15

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The Sangeet ceremony was slowly starting,and there was still no sight of Ayaan. Alishka was waiting.She wanted to see him.

Taran came up to her and said, "Alishka bro,can you give Ayaan a call?I mean the program will start soon and there's no sight of him yet!"Alishka said, "Ok I'll call him,"taking out her phone.

Ayaan's phone rang.He picked up on the third ring. "Hello?Ayaan?Where are you?Everyone is waiting for you," Alishka said. "Yes..I'm coming,tell Taran to wait,I'll kill him if he starts the program without me!"Ayaan replied,half laughing. Alishka giggled and hung up.

She walked to Taran,and told him what Ayaan had said.Taran laughed. Tanya came up to her and asked, "Are you ok?I mean..."she hesitated,and Alishka said, "What?Are you gonna ask if I'm ok that Dhara is coming?"
Tanya nodded. Alishka said, "Look,I'm ok,don't worry about me,"giving her a smile.Tanya nodded,and they were joined by Shreya,and the three kept on talking.

Soon,Ayaan and Dhara came.Taran and Mia greeted them and Dhara gave Mia a hug. Taran and Ayaan kept talking.Alishka stared at Ayaan.He looked breathtaking,and much as she hated to admit it,even Dhara looked good.

He looked breathtaking,and much as she hated to admit it,even Dhara looked good

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The couple walked over them."Hi girls!"Dhara said,coming over to give all the girls a hug. "You look so beautiful all of you!"she added. "Thank you!"the girls chorused together,and Shreya said, "You look pretty as well!"
Dhara gave a giggle. "Hi Ayaan,how are you?" Alishka asked him. "I'm good what about you?Hey Shreya,Tanya!Where's Shayan?"He said. Shreya pointed to the corner where Shayan stood,and Ayaan walked over to greet and talk to him.

Alishka felt weird.She couldn't exactly call Ayaan's behavior friendly,and Tanya was the first to point it out,saying, "He didn't exactly talk to us did he?" Alishka slowly shook her head.Meanwhile,Dhara and Shreya talked about various things,while Alishka and Tanya kept quiet.

But soon the program started and soon the Sangeet was in full swing and everyone enjoyed dancing and singing.Mia,Taran,Alishka,Tanya,Shreya-Shayan and Ayaan-Dhara also started dancing and enjoying themselves.

Soon it was time for dinner,and everyone got together to eat.Alishka ate only a little and moved away from the table,as others sat altogether eating.Ayaan looked happy as he talked with everyone.

Alishka felt sad a bit.She felt left out.
As she took out her phone and was slowly engrossed in it,there was a tap on her shoulder.Alishka looked around to see Ayaan standing there

"Talking to your bf?"he asked her teasingly.Alishka smiled and shook her head. "You look good btw,"he added. "Thanks and same goes for you!" Alishka said.

"Thanks.Hey,you don't even message me now,why?"Ayaan asked. "Well..I'm busy most of the time,and you are busy too,so I don't disturb you," Alishka replied. "We all are busy,but sometimes we should contact our friends." "You don't message me either.Anyways,that's fine," Alishka quickly said. "Wanna take a pic?"Ayaan asked,taking out his phone.

"Sure!" Alishka replied.Both if them took some pretty selfies. "Send me these," Alishka said. "Yep!"

Soon the party stared again and everyone started enjoying themselves again,all laughing and singing.

Even though she was enjoying herself,shrieking song lyrics with Tanya,Shreya,Taisha and Maya,she couldn't help but feel sad as she saw how close Dhara and Ayaan were.

She could only wish she was in Dhara's place,somewhere she once thought she belonged...

YAYAYAY DOUBLE DOUBLE UPDATE TIMEEE!!Make sure to check out the previous chapter!!And  did you guys like the Sangeet ceremony???
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