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"I'm so sorry baby. I swear. I'm fucking stupid for letting it happen." Jonathan slurs making me laugh.

"Jon, please shut up. I know you're sorry." I lay him down on his bed and put a bottle of water on the bedside table. I look at him and he starts rapping some of his verse from crybaby.

"She ain't gave me none of that pussy in a while
She had the boy waitin', I don't mind waitin'"

I roll my eyes, taking off his sneakers. "Baby. Come lay with me please. Come tell me about your day." I tilt my head to the side. "But you're drunk, you might fall asleep."

He shakes his head and raises his hands to me in a grabbing motion. I put my hair into a bun and lay down with him. He lays his head on my chest and puts his arm around my waist.

I run my nails along his back and he hums. "Mm, that feels good. Tell me what you did today." I clear my throat before I start to speak.

"Well I went to the studio with Kehlani today, I recorded my song." Jon looks up at me smiling. "You made a song?" He asks me.

I nod looking down at him. "It's just something I was having fun with, nothing serious." Jon leans his head back down on my chest.

"You have to let me listen tomorrow. I'm gonna go to sleep." I kiss the top of his head and fall asleep with him.

✰ ✰ ✰

Gabrielle and Carmen were sat in my living room, along with Ava and Jonathan. "You guys are making a real big deal out of this. It's only one song."

Gabi throws a cushion at me. "Can you just play it? Dang. You talking too much." I throw up my middle finger to her face and she does it back.

I connect my phone to my speaker about to press play but Jon stops me. "Wait, what is it called? You gone give us a run down about what the it's about?"

"It's called Movin'. When I was writing I was just thinking about moving forward and doing what I wanted, or not letting shit get to me." I say shrugging.

"Is it about Jon?" Gabi asks raising an eyebrow. Carmen agrees with her and then speaks up. "Yeah, poor timing to make a song sis." I roll my eyes and tell them to be quiet.

I press play on my phone and take a seat in front of everybody. I look over at Jon and we held eye contact for a while. I couldn't exactly tell if he was enjoying it or not but he just continued to stare at me.

"She said 'Hit the gas and I dip.' Ooh Jon she'll leave yo' ass." Gabi says laughing. The song finishes and they all clap. I stand from the floor and take a bow.

"Thank you so much." The clapping stops and I sit back down. "You can really sing Ele. I love it." Carmen says. I fan my eyes pretending to cry.

"I'll send it to you." I look over at Jonathan and he stands up from the couch, walking over to me. He nods his head towards the door and we both leave the living room.


We sit in the kitchen and he rubs his hands together. "That for real was about me?" He asks. I hum and move my head from side to side.

"I mean not really. Carmen was right, just poor timing I guess. Kehlani told me to have fun when writing, so I did." Jon nods. "So why you ain't come record with me?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Are you serious? The whole reason of me avoiding you was because you were kissing on your babymother." I say crossing my arms. He grabs my waist pulling me to him.

"Baby please. I need you back with me. I know you're mad. I'll forever apologise for what I did. It was a mistake." I look at him and sigh.

"I love you."

I blink a few times trying to register what he had just said. "You don't have say it back if you don't want to. I know we've only been dating for 6 months but it's what I feel. I just need you to know because I'm serious baby."

I hug him and he hugs me tighter. I did want to say it back, but I feel something was stopping me. "You mine regardless, you hearing me?" I kiss his lips and nod.

I rest my arms on his shoulders. "I can still fuck Kehlani though right?" Jon sucks his teeth. "Man you not serious for real. Y'all can be friends and make music. That's it." I laugh at him.

"Yeah, I got you. Also know I'll leave your ass again if you fuck up." Jon nods. "You love me for real? Why?" I ask. He pulls me closer looking into my eyes.

"I love you because you're smart, caring, beautiful. Ele baby, the list could go on. We real deep, I ain't going nowhere and you ain't going nowhere. I got you." I smile at him and kiss him.

"Aww baby! You're so cute." He laughs at me getting up from his seat. "Come on, let's go to mine." I point towards the living room. "Everyone is in there, we can't leave them."

He kisses my neck and whispers in my ear. "We won't be gone for long. We can sneak out." I grab his hand and walk quickly but quietly to the front door. I make sure I had my phone and try to close the door without making a lot of noise.

We speed walk across the street and then into Jon's house. As the door closes behind me, Jon picks me up and starts to kiss on me.

I let out small moans as he walks into the living room, laying me on the couch. He rubs on me and I grind up against his hand.

I tug at his jeans and he takes them off, I lift myself off the couch a little to take off my joggers. "You wasting no time huh?" He asks chuckling. I pull him down and kiss him as he pulls my panties to the side.

I feel him slide in and let out a long moan. He kisses on my neck, groaning and leaving hickeys. I wrap my arms around him lifting my legs up.

"I missed you so much. Please don't leave me again." Jon says to me. I manage to nod as he goes deeper. His strokes were slow but strong. I missed him too and it definitely showed.

We were going at it for a while. I didn't care who heard or how long we were taking, I missed my man. I reach my high and hold onto Jon as he reaches his.

He pulls out, kissing me on the lips a few times. I lay with him on the couch enjoying the moment, until my phone rings. Jon reaches over to the coffee table and hands it to me.

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