~Chapter 1~

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3rd Person POV

It's been four years now since Adam, Bree, and Chase have revealed their bionics to the world. At first, they were resented, but in the end they proved they could be heroes. They also defeated Crane which resulted in them getting control of the bionic army and trained them to do good and go on missions. Blah, blah blah months later everyone got the new update (well besides Adam, Bree, and Chase but you know what happens) which resulted in them getting kidnapped by Douglas's evil ex-girlfriend. After the last fight, Mr. Davenport split the group up Adam and Leo went back to the academy while Bree and Chase have a newly formed team called the Elite Force.

Now Mighty Med, well it was destroyed after the big fight between Oliver and his mother. Due to the fight when Kaz and Oliver also gained superpowers. The only people left from Mighty Med were Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver, so they teamed up with Mr. Davenport to find whoever crushed Mighty Med. The team was looking great Skylar got her powers back and the only enemy was Ryder, Riker, and their family. They want revenge for their father losing his powers even if it was to save him. If they want to stop them from destroying every superhero to exist, they are going to need some help but it has to be someone not on the superhero list or frankly, no one knows about. The question is who?


It's been four years since Sabrina left a lot of stuff happened such as Crane and his bionic Army, building the bionic island to help them train to become good after defeating Crane, and getting new upgrades that caused the vanishing to happen but we survived all that. Then by the end of all of this, Mr. Davenport split up the team. Adam and Leo are at the academy while Chase and I are on the new team called the Elite Force. We are helping Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver take down the people who destroyed Mighty Med. For now, we know the two we need to worry about are Roman and Riker. Honestly, I believe we're going to need more help than just the 5 of us so I'm trying to find a superhero that is not on the list with the help of Skylar and Oliver. 

Right now I'm discussing possible solutions with Skylar when Oliver comes running in "Guys I found the solution to getting more help. Remember Brina she has very powerful powers but didn't want to become a hero til the time was right." 

Skylar just jumped up and hugged him, while I was thinking back to Sabrina. Could this be the Rina no it couldn't be right. Anyway, I decided to describe her "Wait Oliver is she about 5'8 blue eyes brunette hair a bunch of tattoos very sarcastic" He looked shocked "Yea that's her. How'd you know" 

Now I sat there shocked. I didn't think I'd honestly see her again. I was just sat there frozen for a few seconds til I heard Skylar scream " BREE"  "What" All she said is "You've been frozen for 3 minutes what wrong" So I explained to them how I know her now they were shocked. We sat there for a second trying to figure out what to do and how to reach her. 

All of a sudden it came to me. The necklace of course she's always had trick up her sleeve. Plus doesn't hurt she's always been so beautiful. Wait what whatever just forget I said that or wait thought that. 

Anyways I told them about the necklace. How she said that if it was really important that I should use the necklace and I'll find her so I took it off and looked for a button which was coincidentally blinking. I pressed it and a hologram showed up.

It looked like she was 8 at the time she started talking "Hey Bree. Cool right look at my new invention. Back to the topic if you're watching this something must have happened today. I gave you this because I had a feeling something was going to happen today. You probably won't watch this til you're older but know if anything I'm alright and I love you"

We sat there pondering on this video when another one popped up she looked about 13 here "Ok now I added this video so that I can explain to you what happened over the years. First of all, I know you were memory wiped but it's ok you will understand when we meet again. I will be coming back to Misson Creek in the next 3 years after I have Graduated high school and college. My mission is to friend you under an alias to protect you, Adam, and Chase. When you guys start doing better and developing into the heroes I know you're meant to be I will be leaving without you knowing it was me. It sucks but at least we'll be able to make some high school memories together. 

Now why you guys couldn't find me is complicated. No, I wasn't with Douglas but I was found by my biological parents. Basically, I was kidnapped at birth because a lot of people wanted my powers and someone by chance stole me when they least expected it. My parent knew I was gonna get kidnapped eventually, so they tied my powers to make it seem as if I was normal. After finding that out the kidnapper just teleported me randomly I ended up at Davenport Industries. After all that I found all that out, I learned that my parents were slowly dying so they took me in. Not only for them but for your guys' safety as well. As my powers come in I would have a hard time controlling them and needed training. Right now I am now training to understand how to use them. This is all for now I will see you in the future."

Immediately after another video played. She looked to be about 16 "Hey I know you're confused about why I left but as you know my mission was to protect the 3 of you guys and make sure you're ready for what's to come. I had left earlier than planned because I knew you guys were gonna and because y'all were starting to get suspicious. I know in the next few months you'll be battling Crane don't underestimate him other than that you guys will do well. In the next 4 years, you guys will need my help to stop the shapeshifters, I know because I was told the future. You guys can find me at S.A Technologies ask for Sabrina Castillo. Upon arriving state your name they will let you through. I am proud of what you guys are now and who you will become. I will see you in the future." with that the hologram closed.

I have so many questions, but we're just processing the information right now. By the time the last one came on Chase came in and watched he was confused. So I said, "Chase do you remember when we said Rina looked familiar we thought something was up with her." "Yea" "Well that was Sabrina our first best friend. Turns out when she was kidnapped her biological parents had her and also she's an unidentified superhero." He was shocked and confused. We got the team together and explained what was going on. I'm excited to see her again but also nervous for some reason I don't know

So over these last few years, I became an unidentified superhero so I wasn't on the list. Right now I've been at S.A Technologies in Metropolis more recently because it's nearing the time when I'm supposed to help The Elite Force. My necklace has been red for a while which means Bree is watching the hologram videos. It's only a matter of time before they get here. They're either coming here today or tomorrow so I gotta be prepared.

I went down to the door where it says Castillo Lab. The lab leads to the secret entrance to my cave. This cave is indestructible, soundproof, and has technology no one knows about. I know if someone is inside or not. I can also watch the entire building from here so I'll know when they get here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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