Battleships, monsters made of steel and oil, War machines whose barrels bellow smoke and spew fire. A battleship's Purpose is to out gun the enemy, to rain judgment on any who enter there sights. But one battleship, Did not get to go down in glory, did not die fighting a strong enemy, but with her main guns silent and to a fast quick assassination . This Ship Lost to time, now once again rises. She rises to fight, protect, Love, and Learn, This is the story of The Yamato, A Ship of great harmony.
It has been a long time... I have been alone.... when can I finally die? ... Its dark and cold.... Maybe its time?...
"Do you wish to die? Will death bring you comfort?" an unknown voice reverberated among the dark silent water.
"who? w-what? What do you mean?" around me The cold Dark waters of the sea bed lay still and silent, no creature in sight. "No, I do wish for release from this endless torment, but death will not welcome me warmly. . . I wish to return to the surface and seem my sisters and my home once again."
"Then I will Grant your wish, But at a Price." again the voice spoke calm and deep yet warm as if it was a close friend.
"Do NOT Joke so freely with me!" I shouted anger evident in my tone.
" I do not joke young one, I can and will return you to your sisters and home. But first I require something from you." with a strict yet caring tone the voice chastised me. "what would you have me do ?" unsure of what or who I was speaking with, I felt that maybe I was going insane, but a small flame flickered in my heart, If there was a chance I could see my family again, then I was taking it.
"My world. . . It is slowly being corrupted. My creations are killing one another, and monsters roam the once safe wildlands. You. . . You are strong and with Honorable morals. I wish you to become my champion and save my world. If you do this for me I will return you to you family and home."
". . . How do I know I can trust you? And if I do what you ask, will it not take years to do so? Will my family not be gone by then my home ruined? I have laid here for many years, I fear for what awaits me above." Memory's surface of my life, worry and regret fill my heart.
"Fear not young one, I will return you to before your death, and with the new strength you will acquire in my world, you will not be destroyed a second time." I feel that this deal is to good to be true, but what do I have to lose, my home is miles from here, my family believe me dead.
" I. . . I accept!"
"Wha.? Where. . . where am I?" Waking up there was a thick fog among my thoughts, confusion, worry, fear. Where am I, How did I get here? The sun shined upon my face as a sat up, I covered my eyes from the brightness.
Soon my eyes opened and I saw a vast ocean before me. "beautiful" I could not help but admire the bright blue sea. "Its been so long since I saw the surface, a tear rolled down my face. Wait, tear? looking around I found that I was signifyingly shorter than before. I also quickly noticed that I was on the deck of a ship, to my left Stood 2 Triple barreled naval guns standing majestically yet with a smoldering anger, ready to spew fire like dragons standing guard over their kin. To my right stood the main bridge armored and shiny, The steel and wood around me seemed good as new, no cracks or scorch marks. Not even a single shell hole. *Flap* a sound brought my attention to the top of the conning tower, there stood a flag. That flag I knew, In my heart and in my soul I knew that flag, the flag of my home! No not just the flag of my home, but the flag of my soul stood there proudly, The flag of the rising sun.

Ship Of Great Harmony ( UNDER REVISION)
Fantasyshe wakes up to find she's not dead, but now shes human instead. follow yamato and her journey to learn what it means to be alive and have humanity, all while dark forces hunt her down.