Chapter 35: 1 Year Later ✔️

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A/N: I hate this chapter, I don't think it's that good, but I hope you liked the story because this is the last chapter!
08/23/2021 edit: I still hate this chapter.



I untangle myself from Spence and carefully stand up, trying not to wake her. I sigh as I walk to the front of our tent before starting to make a cup of coffee. Or what we call coffee. It's more like hot water with a single coffee bean in it. After I make my cup I step out of the tent, sitting on a rock near the door.  

I look out over the desert, sipping at my drink. The world hasn't changed much since I got out of the maze, 2 years ago. Still just the desert wasteland. I look up as Spence walks out of the tent, her own cup of 'coffee' in hand. 

"I knew I would find you out here." She says, sitting next to me. 

 She gives me a kiss on my cheek as I reply, "Just needed some time to think." 

"What are you thinking about?" She asks, laying her head on my shoulder. 

I pause, looking out at the world again. "Thomas." I reply, truthfully. 

"Do you think they ever got to the 'Safe Haven'?" She asks, thinking out loud. 

I stay quiet, deep in thought. "I hope so."

"Alright, lovebirds!" The tent door is opened and Adi walks out. "We gotta get this stuff together and then we can head off!"

We've been moving a lot in the past year, trying to find somewhere...habitable to live. So far? No luck.

"Adi's right. Finish your 'coffee' and help us." Adi's boyfriend, Micah, says walking out. "We got a lot of stuff to get in the truck.



The truck comes to a stop and the four of us look out the window at the small village looking place. 

"Wonder who lives here." Adi says, looking around. 

"I dunno, but I don't know if we should trust them." I speak up.

"You shouldn't trust anybody." Micah says with a nod. "But it might be nice to talk to people who aren't the people you've had to survive with for the past year." 

Newt nods. "I guess. Let's go see." 

I pull the hood of my jacket up as we get out of the vehicle. We look around for a second before a kid walks up to us. 

"You seem new 'cause I've never seen you around." He says, glancing the four of us up and down. 

"Who's in charge here?" Micah asks. 

"Oh, come on." The boy says, turning. The four of us look at each other before following the kid through the small town. Newt pulls his hood up too. The boy stops in front of a house. "Here you go." With that, he walks off. 

"Very helpful, huh?" Adi asks as we walk into the house.

A man looks up from a desk as we walk in. "Can I help you?" He asks, standing up. I glance at he man and immediately recognize him.

"We've been traveling around for the past year, trying to find somewhere to live." Micah speaks up.

"We'd be happy for you to stay here." Vince replies, happily. 

"What's happening here?" 

I take Newt's hand when I hear the voice. Oh, now we have to talk to him.

"These four were looking for somewhere to live." Vince says, nodding to us.

"Oh, we'd love to have you." Thomas says with a nod. "I'm Thomas."

"Micah Smith, and this is my girlfriend Adi Jackson." Micah says.

Thomas glances to me and Newt. I slowly take my hood off and look up at Thomas.

He looks surprised. "Spencer." He says, quietly. He steps forward to get a better look. "You killed Newt." He whispers. I see the surprise change to anger as he raises his arm, punching me in the jaw.

I fall back, onto the floor out of surprise. Newt steps forward, pulling his hood off. "Stop! Tommy, please stop!"

Thomas stops, looking at Newt in disbelief. The two look at each other for a few seconds before Thomas goes to Newt, pulling him into a hug. "I thought you were dead." Thomas says, holding onto the blond. 

"I know, I'm sorry, for everything." Newt replies, not letting Thomas go.

"Minho." Thomas says, coming out of the hug. "Come on." Thomas takes Newt outside.

"It's good to see you again." I look up to see Theo standing above me.

"I guess we both escaped death and found each other again." I say as she extends her hand. I take it and she pulls me up. I pull her into a hug.

"Come on, I know somebody that would be very happy to see you." Theo says, taking my hand before taking me out of the house, leaving Micah and Adi looking very confused.

Theo leads me to another house where she knocks. The door is opened to Pip. She sees Theo then me. "SPENCER!?" She yells, pulling me into a hug.

"Pip! Hi!" I say, pulling her into a hug.

"Where's Kat?" I ask, looking up at Theo.

"Come on, I'll show you." Theo says. She leads me over to a fireplace where a bunch of kids are sitting around it. I recognize most of them including Aris, Sonya, Harriet, Liz, Toby, Jane and all the other girls from my maze.

Aris looks up and sees me. "Spencer!?"

Everybody else looks up and says hi as I walk around. Kat stands up from her spot and walks over to me, giving me a hug. "Thanks for coming for me." She says with a smile.

"Anytime." I reply.

I feel somebody take my hand and I look up to see Newt. "Hi." He says with a smile.

"Hi." I reply, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

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