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Draco's POV

"Do you have to go back soon?"

Aster was currently cuddled up by my side, her arm wrapped loosely around my torso.

"No" I mumbled back. I left my eyes closed, indulging in the way her body's warmth made me feel calm and sleepy.

She was silent for a minute, so I opened one eye and turned my head to look at her. Her eyes were drawn down to her hand splayed on my stomach, she was biting her lip, her nose scrunched up and her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's up?"

Her green eyes flicked up and settled on mine, instantly the furrowed eyebrows disappeared and was replaced with a shy smile.

"Can you stay the night?"

A pink tint painted her round cheeks and I smiled at her timidity. You rarely saw Aster so unsure of herself, and as much as I loved her brutal self-confidence, these moments felt real and sobering.

"That was the plan" I grin.

This makes her eyes light up and her lips turn into a sultry smirk.

"You were planning this were you?" she teased.

"Very much so" I moved my head back to the pillow and closed my eyes again, letting my smile stay very much wide and almost cringe-worthy for her to see.

"Won't your parents wonder where you are?"

"Nope. They don't care what I do with my spare time. As long as it's not damaging our pure-blood name" I tried to keep the spite out of my tone but it was evidently there and I felt Aster's grip on my torso tighten as she buried her head into the space between my head and shoulders.

I could smell the sweet sandalwood of her perfume, her hair tickled my nose but the warmth she radiated into my skin was too comforting for me to move.

"What do they know about me?"

Her voice was muffled, I could feel the words from her breath hit my bare skin on my shoulder.

"They know you're a Flint. That you're a half-blood." I paused for a moment.

"They know that you're incredibly smart."

I breathed in deeply, relishing in the scent of her before I continued.

"Your father mentioned how smart you are to my father. They know he taught you a lot of what he knows...."

"Did they mention anything about releasing my dad?" Aster asked, her body instantly tensed against mine.

"Yes" I gulped.

Instantly, she rose. I opened my eyes to find her towering over me, her eyes narrowed, her lips pursed.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" She snapped.


"I don't know, we got distracted"

She laughed. But not in a friendly manner, it was more of a manic laugh, one that surprisingly scared me.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position, and turned my body to face hers.

"Distracted? Don't you think telling me about my own dad is more important than sex?"

"I didn't mean we got distracted by sex Aster, Merlin" I pushed my hand through my hair anxiously, "I meant we got distracted by Blaise, and then we decided I was going to be a fucking traitor and risk my life for the good of the wizarding world and then I don't know, maybe I thought saying I love you for the first time to my girlfriend was more important than telling you that your father isn't going to be released until my father was sure you were safe for me to be with".

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