Minho Imagine

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Imagine for: Lezmakestories

Sorry its taken so long :P

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I just don't like you like that anymore." Minho said, looking down at me.

I felt the tears beginning to form in my eyes. All I managed to say was, "oh."

He shook his head. "I just thin we'd be better off as friends. You're just not my type, you know."

I nodded, trying to act like I was fine with this. 

"Okay. Well, I'll see you around." And just like that he was gone. Running off into the maze, leaving me without a heart.


For the next few days I kind of walked around without purpose. But one day, around a week afterwards, I woke up and decided that I was going to be better than this, better than him. So I started training, I became a Runner in about 2 weeks. I set out everyday covering more distance and mapping better than any of the guys and I was still one of the first ones back. I saw Minho every now and then in the Map Room. It wasn't awkward, and even if it was, I no longer cared. 

I was having my usual run through the maze one day, my short black hair a little sweaty from the sun. I loosened my signature, red scarf a little, allowing me to breathe a little easier. It may have been weird that I wore a scarf, but it was what I came up wearing in the box and so I wore it, along with the short, cropped brown jacket, knee-high boots and white shirt and pants.  

A clicking sound roused me from my thoughts. I frowned, slowing down a little as I came to a turn. I peeked around the corner slowly. Before I could see anything, I heard a yelp or a yell of some sort. I quickly ran around the corner to see what the hell was going on. 

A Griever was standing there, with Minho in its claws. I froze. The Griever was slowly moving Minho closer and closer to what I assumed was it's mouth, where I realised Minho would be shredded. 

WIthout even thinking, I grabbed one of my Katana Blades and threw it with amazing accuracy, into the Grievers fleshy skin. It shrieked immediately, but still didn't realise Minho. I screamed as I ran at it, preparing my Katana blade for a strike. I quickly slid under the Griever itself and cut one of it's legs out from under it. Then I hit another of the legs with my Katana, detaching it from the Griever's body. I rolled out from under the Griever, trying to avoid having it collapse on me. I quickly recovered my other Katana blade that I'd thrown at it before.

THe GRiever was shrieking so loud it was a little hard to think. I could barely move, clearly needing all four legs to support all of it's weight. I stabbed it again for good measure and soon enough the shrieking stopped. 

I paused, trying to catch my breath a little. 

Minho lay on the floor where the Griever had dropped him at some point during the fight. I turned to him. "Can you walk?" I asked, gruffly. He gulped and nodded, clearly taken aback by what he just saw.

"Good." I nodded. I then began walking in the direction of the Glade. I turned back to see him still lying on the floor, gaping at the Griever. "MINHO! GET UP AND WALK." 

He quickly got on to his feet and jogged over to me. A little colour had returned into his face, and he was beginning to recover.

"Where did you learn to do that?" HE asked me quietly.

I shook my head. "Nowhere. I just knew what I had to do."

He nodded and we walked back to the Glade in silence. When we got back, no one asked so we didn't say anything. 


The next day Minho shook me awake.

"What the shuck, Minho! I'm trying to sleep here!"

He grinned at me. "Yeah but I wanted to.. um.. talk to you."

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly got out of my hammock. He led me outside

"What you did yesterday, Y/N, that.. that was amazing. And I realised that I was wrong before. I do like you, I've missed you so much. And I need you, I think you proved that yesterday when you saved my life. So.. Would you like to go out with me? Again?" He smiled at me.

I frowned. "No thanks." I began to walk back to my bed, as I had nothing else to really say. 

"What?" I heard him say behind me."

I turned back to him. "You're not my type." I snarled. I walked back to the Homestead and got another few hours of decent sleep before running off into the maze again that day, still armed with my two Katana blades.

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