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(Y/N) groaned as he finally finished all the school works, quiz and exams he missed. He rubbed his eyes and stared out the window, seeing the setting sun. "Hun hun?" (Y/N) moved his head towards the voice. "Hm?" Haato came up behind him and hugged him from behind. "I cooked dinner, shall we eat now or do you want me to stream first?" (Y/N) rubbed Haato's arm and leaned back against her. "Stream first, I can heat up the food later. I just wanna relax with you after dinner. Haato nodded and gave him a kiss on the head before leaving the room.

He closed his eyes and relaxed back on his chair then looked at the photo that was given to him by Haato. Him and a older man, smiling. He groaned in anger as he couldn't remember who the old man was. He rubbed his temples as he stood up, hearing Haato starting her stream. He looked at the calendar and saw it was Haato's Minecraft stream. He decided to have a relaxing night and let his guard down, he walked down to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Yo." (Y/N) accidentally tossed his remote and phone upwards and looked towards the voice. "Ah, you scared me, Amelia." Amelia smiled before pulling out a folder. "Serious talk, your name popped up in the Mafia records." (Y/N) looked confused. "Mafia?" Amelia hummed as she opened the folder. "A-ah. Uh. Ahem. You're the wrong one. Woopsies." She giggled nervously before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

(Y/N) rubbed his eyes and shrugged, he sighed and grabbed his phone and the remote, starting the television up. He decided to watch the news.

Two hours later, he stood up and stretched, rubbing the sleepiness away from his eyes. "Guess I passed out for a bit." He looked towards the kitchen and saw Haato heating up the food, he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed Haato's neck. "You should've woke me." Haato giggled as she turned the stove off. "You looked cute~" (Y/N) chuckled quietly as he rested his face on Haato's neck. "Let's eat, come on!" (Y/N) shook his head as he stayed. Haato chuckled and pat his head. "Spoiled little boy~" (Y/N) kissed Haato's neck again. "Says the spoiled one." Haato pouted and wrapped her arms around his. "You know, I want this to last forever. This comfortable and warm feeling, you know. Just calmness. It's just the two of us." (Y/N) nodded and whispered. "And our kids tugging on our clothes wanting food." Haato's face heated up, she held herself up by using the counter as support. "W-well. M-maybe." (Y/N) chuckled as he unwrapped himself around her and walked towards the table and sat down.

Haato made her towards the table with the food. "Thank you for the food." Both muttered as they started eating. A comfortable silence fell on the two, both ate while both were holding hands. Haato used her thumb to rub (Y/N)'s knuckles.

Both chuckled as the two looked at each other lovingly. "I love this, I wish it could stay this way." Haato smiled as (Y/N) squeezed her hand a bit and smiled as well. "Yeah, I like Suisei but. I already have you, I'm not willing to share myself." Haato giggled and smiled. "I don't wanna share you too but I have to. Sui-chan is a psycho, I don't want anything bad to happen to you." (Y/N) sighed and nodded. " I don't want anything bad to happen to you too, Haato."

Both stood up and walked over to the sink and both started to wash their dishes. Both hunmed as the enjoyed each others company. "I have a 3d stream tomorrow with Coco-Kaichou. Wanna come with?" (Y/N) chuckled and kisses the side of her head. "You told me not to go to your office." Haato let out a pop with her mouth and giggled. "Oh yeah!"

Both laughed and the two walked up their stairs, Haato sharing stories about her Minecraft stream. (Y/N) listened attentively, smiling at how happy and cheery she is while sharing stories.

The two entered their bathroom and started to brush their teeth, Haato occasionally making goofy faces while (Y/N) just chuckles.

They went back to their bedroom and Haato immediately hop on the bed and into the sheets. (Y/N) followed her anf chuckled, Haato immediately latched herself to him. The boy chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Haato." Haato giggled and buried her face on to his chest. "Goodnight (N/N)~ I love you!"

He smiled gently. "I love you too."

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