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It's now late and we're back at the hotel and Gage came with to catch up more with Colby but now we're just watching tv. I cuddle into Colbys side closing my eyes getting really tired "m' thirsty" I mumble "there should be waters in the mini fridge, if not you gotta go down to my parents room" Colby says tapping my thigh I hum and get up going over to the small fridge and crouching down opening it letting out a whine "there isn't any" I pout standing up and Colby chuckles "you-" "I don't wanna" I huff getting back in bed and laying on top of him "well then your not getting any" he says I hum nuzzling my head in his chest "fine" I mumble turning my head so I can see the tv but getting distracted by Gages phone as I seen it flash and make a screenshot sound. I furrow my brows and lift up my head looking over getting a view of his phone as he's on the couch his phone screen being able to be seen in the reflection of the mirror and I gasp seeing him on my instagram zooming up on my butt "what are you looking at baby?" Colby asks confused "hm? oh uh nothing" I say looking at him "you sure?" he asks bushing a strand of hair out if my face "yeah, just thought I seen a bug" he hums pressing a kiss to my forehead "why don't you just go to sleep, yeah?" I pout "but I'm thirsty" he chuckles "I'll go-" "I'll go get it, I need to talk to mom and dad anyway" Gage says as he stands up putting his phone in his pocket "okay thanks" Colby says he hums and puts on his shoes before leaving the hotel.

After a couple minutes I sigh not able to stop thinking about Gage looking at my instagram "you okay baby? you've been quiet" I sigh and look up at him "I need to tell you something" I mumble deciding to tell him he furrows his brows and sits up "what? are you okay?" he asks worriedly and I nod gently "you have to believe me when I tell you though" I say knowing he probably won't "wha- baby what do you mean? what's wrong??" he asks getting really worried "please just say you'll believe me" he sighs "okay.. but I dunno what it is" I take a small breath "it's about Gage.." I trail off and he furrows his brows waiting for me to explain "just now, before he left.. I seen his phone screen and he was on my instagram looking at the pictures.. and he was zooming up on my butt and screenshotting it" I say and he gives me a weird look "baby.." he trails off "why would he do that? there's no way he did" he says "wha- but he did! I seen it!" I exclaim "he wouldn't do that! he's straight Sam!" I frown looking in my lap "but he did" I mumble crawling out of his lap "why are you lying Sam!? why are you making this up? there's no reason to" he says and my eyes fill with tears "I'm not lying! I seen it!" "there's no way you could've seen it! he was facing towards us while he was on it! it's impossible to see it!" he yells "I did though! I seen it in the mirror!" I exclaim and he gives me a look "I did!" "stop lying Sam!" he yells standing up "I'm not! I swear I'm not!" I yell "why would I lie for no reason!?" I ask tears rolling down my cheeks "y'know what?" he says "w-what?" I ask with a sniffle wiping my tears "I think your making this up because you like him.. and you want to be with him instead of me" my face drops and I let out a choked sob hating the fact he's even think of that "unbelievable" he scoffs putting on his shoes when I don't answer "th-th-thats not true!" I exclaim "i-i w-would nev-never do that!" I cry out "whatever Samuel" he says before leaving and slamming the door and I start to sob.
Soon there's a knock on the door and I wipe my tears getting up and running to the door thinking it's Colby but I'm net with Gage "hey, sorry it took long" he says as he walks in with three waters "oh.. uh-" "where's Colby?" he asks as he sets them down "uh he-he left" I stutter shifting uncomfortably as I see him smirk "is that so..?" he asks turning around and I nod slowly and before I know it I'm pinned to the bed with him hovering over me "n-no stop!" I exclaim "shh.. we've gotta make this quick" he says as he slowly slips his hand up my shirt "stop!" I yell squirming around "knock it off princess" he says pinning my hands above me "stop moving or it's gonna take longer.. and then we'll be caught we don't want that do we?" I let out a sob as he starts kissing my neck "stop!" I yell "stop it princess" he growls in my ear biting it after "st-stop!" I cry out and he clasps his hand over my mouth continuing to kiss my neck "can't wait to fuck that ass of yours" he mumbles against my neck sliding his other hand down to my butt and squeezing it and I try to push him off of me but he pins my hands above my head again and I continue thrashing around making noises but they get muffled by his hand. I hear the door open and close but he doesn't and tears start to down my face as he  had ripped my shirt kissing my chest "Sam pack your- what the fuck!?" Colby yells pulling Gage off of me and slamming him against the wall and I curl into a ball sobbing loudly as he yells at him "what the fuck is wrong with you!?" Colby yells angrily "what dude it's not my fault.. he asked for it" Gage defends and I let out a choked sob "if he wanted it he wouldn't be fucking crying or be trying to get out from under you!" he yells slamming him into the wall again making him groan in pain "and to think I decided to forget about what happened last time you were here.. you never fucking changed and you never will, will you? just get the fuck out and don't ever talk to me again!" Colby yells pushing him towards the door "but-" "get the fuck out!" Colby growls lowly pushing him making him fall to the floor "okay chill dude-" "no! get the fuck out of my sight!" he yells and he scrambles up to his feet running out of the room knowing Colby is pissed.

"Fuck!" Colby yells punching the wall making a hole making me let out a choked sob "i-im so sorry.." he says sliding down the wall pulling at his hair starting to cry himself. I slowly get up and go to Colby and sitting next to him curing into his side letting out a sob "i-im so so-sorry" he chokes out pulling me into his lap and I nuzzle my head in his neck crying into it "I'm so fucking sorry" he says putting his head into my neck crying softly.
He soon calms down a bit but I'm still a crying mess hating what just happened feeling disgusting "I'm sorry.." Colby whispers kissing my head "I'm so, so sorry" he says into my hair "w-w-why" I sob "I'm sorry... I-i wanted to believe you, I did.. I just didn't want to believe the fact he didn't change.. he was always doing something like that.. deep down I knew he didn't change but I wanted to believe he did... I didn't want it to happen to you, and when you said that it made me mad, I wasn't mad at you I was mad at him.. I left to find him but turns out he was here already... I'm really sorry, I don't know why I said the things I did... I regretted it as soon as I left the room and I still do, he did the same thing to my old best friend.. but he went all the way, she never trusted me after that, and I never seen her again..." he says resting his head on mine "I'm so, so sorry that happened baby.. I love you so much, okay? I would never think you want to break up and I never want to.. I'm so so sorry" he whispers holding me tight.

More minutes pass by and I'm still sobbing clinging onto Colby like my life depended on it "baby.. please calm down" he whispers "we have to pack our things.. my parents told me we're leaving soon- in a few hours" he says rubbing my back gently "so please, calm down" I let out a choked sob "i-i c-c-c-c-ant" I choke out letting out a loud choked sob. He gets up and I cling onto him "let go" he says as he sits me down on the bed and I shake my head rapidly letting out a sob "please baby" I let out a sob letting him go and curling into a ball. He comes back and pulls me up into a sitting position and I look up at him with teary eyes as they continue falling "let me take off your shirt, okay?" he says going to pull it of "NO!" I scream pushing him away and he looks at me with hurt eyes "baby... I'd never hurt you.." he says and I let out a sob curling back into a ball letting out a pained shriek pulling at my hair hating that I did that "baby!" Colby exclaims rushing to my side and pulling me in his lap "i-i-i-i-im s-s-s-s-orry!" I sob and he wraps his arms around me tight "it's okay... I promise baby.. I just wanted to put my hoodie on you so you'd have my scent on you" he says "get you out of that shirt, and throw it away" he says and I nod letting out a sob "o-o-o-k-" I let out a sob "is that okay?" I nod and he gently pulls me away and pulls my shirt off and putting his hoodie on me. He cups my cheeks and I lean into them letting out a sob "try to calm down, okay? I'm gonna pack up our things.. and we'll get to the airport and be back home, safe and sound" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead and I nod letting out a sob "I'm so sorry baby.." he whispers sitting me down and I curl in a ball crying my eyes out.


I finish packing and I look over at Sam sighing sadly as he had cried himself to sleep. I go over to him and pick him up and he whimpers making me frown "baby it's just me" I whisper and he clings into me "hold on tight, okay? I gotta bring down the suitcases too" I say rubbing his back gently and he holds me tighter I kiss his shoulder and grab the suitcases leaving the hotel room. I get to the car and my mom comes out of the car "what took you so long!?" she exclaims and I sigh "I'm sorry.. I'll explain later can you open the trunk?" I ask and she huffs telling my father to open it opening up the back door seeing as sam's asleep. I put Sam in there and he whines "I'll be back baby, I promise" I say pressing a kiss to his forehead. I out the suitcases into the trunk and I shut it I go to the driver's side since he has the window down "I'll be back, I have to do something really quick" I say "alright, hurry up" he says I nod and run into the hotel. I go to the front desk "hi, how may I help you?" she asks "uhm how much is it if someone were to make a hike in the wall?" I ask "uh I dunno why?" she asks with furrowed brows "I punched the wall and made a hole, in room 136" I say and she sighs disappointedly "uh I'd have to call to see" she says picking up the phone "y'know what here's 100 I don't have time I'm running late already" I say putting a $100 bill in the desk "I'm so sorry, I hope that covers it!" I call as I run out to the car.
I get back in and pull Sam into my lap and he clings onto me "ready now?" my dad asks starting the car "yeah" I say looking out the window "what happened? you both seemed like you were crying? and it took forever for you to get here" my mother says and I sigh deeply "well Gage..." I say explaining everything that happened as we head to the airport.


double update!
this book is coming to an end!

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