Chapter 27

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The original plan for New Years eve was to spend the night at Time's square but we ended up going against that idea as staying up until midnight in a place where it is really crowded with a 5 year old would not be such a great idea, so Katie came up with a compromise, A New Years Eve party at the house, Cat did suggest that she'll stay at the house with Owen but despite wanting to go to Time's Square I would of hated it if we weren't altogether and maybe the house party could be better then spending New Years Eve at Time square?

I walk into the kitchen where Cat and Katie were preparing the party food for tonight, the plan was that we'll transform the living room into our own disco, minus the lights and we'll do some Dancing and maybe some Karoke sessions, and for the countdown we will all go outside into the back garden to watch the fireworks that will be lighting up the entire city.

Everyone was making an effort, we all decided that we were going to dress up as if we were still going to Time's square and to a New Years Eve party and there will be food and drinks too.

"Do you need any help?" I asked leaning on one of the kitchen surfaces. "Not at the moment honey," Cat said taking out the Millionaire Cheese Cake from the fridge and putting it onto a plate next to the other desserts of: a Pafita Roll tower, an Oreo and a New York Cheese Cake, chocolate covered strawberries and 3 different kinds of sponge cake. ( Victoria Sponge, chocolate and coffee)

Katie was taking out the bottles of Red Wine and Champagne and puts them onto another surface "I actually wanted to talk to you," she said. I didnt know why but I suddenly felt nervous for some reason, "You do?" I asked. Katie have me a smile "Yeah," she opened the bottle of Red wine and poured 2 glasses. Cat sees this and shook her head a little, "Adam will kill you if he knows that you've given her that,"she said before going to check on Owen who had started crying in the other room. Katie rolled her eyes "Your husband needs to lighten up!" She looked back at me and gestured for me to take a drink. I pick up a glass and slowly started to take small sips, it tasted very strong and like Nail polish, I didn't like it very much but I continued to sip at the red liquid as it would be polite.

"I like you," Katie said out of the blue "I like you very much for my boy." I was caught off guard and almost choked on my drink "Thank you," I said wiping my mouth a little. Katie gave me a small smile "You're so cute," she chuckled "Just what Oliver needs after..." she was hesitant for a moment, "everything that had happened." I had a feeling that it was something to do with Oliver's Dad.
"I am so sorry about...Oliver's Dad," I whispered not wanting to upset Katie in anyway. Katie shrugged "What happened happened, I will never forgive that Asshole for what he did to that kid."
Katie held my hand across the table and gave it a squeeze, "You are too sweet and kind Nina this entire trip I've seen a difference in Oliver, A good different and it's all because of you."
I shook my head a little "I didn't do anything, it was Rebecca who got him through what had happened." Katie frowned as I mentioned Rebecca's name " You don't get it,yes he had Rebecca in that moment but it was you who brought the real Oliver back, as a Mom seeing your child lock themselves away is one of the hardest things and because of you he's now playing music and being himself, he wasn't himself with Rebecca because that bitch wouldn't let him be himself, It was you. "

I didn't know what to say, I didn't realize that I had done all of that. "I -I didn't know," I stuttered out "That...I did all of that." Katie gave me a warm smile and squeezed my hand again "You are a beautiful person Nina, inside and out and don't let anyone tell you or make you think that you are not because you are and I am so great ful for what you have done for my baby," Katie looked as if she was going to cry and at the moment I did too, I could feel the tears forming at the back of my eyes, I was about to say something when Oliver had walked into the room, He was wearing a  dark blue buttoned up shirt with a black tie and a pair of denim jeans. "Hey," he smiled as he walked in but then paused "What's wrong?"he asked, he must of sensed the atmosphere that was in the room.

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