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Freezing wind whips through the camp, causing the trees to quake at the immense blow and leaves to scatter the air. I shiver and curl tighter against Kent, who has also waken up and is watching the scene outside unfold. His muscles twitch whenever a tree bends dangerously close to the clearing. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Felan and Rydal anxiously whispering to each other. Keala is close by, joining in every now and then. The wind is too loud for me to hear them, but I can catch the glimmer of fear and wariness in their eyes. 

I spot Croan walking towards us, trying to keep his paws steady as he pads across the ground. He carefully walks inside, shaking leaves off his fur.

"Croan, what's going on?" Keala asks, rising from her nest.

"Exactly what you see," Croan responds, casting a glance outside. 

"Isn't it odd, though? The winter winds shouldn't come for another few moons," Kent points out.

Croan's eyes narrow slightly in concentration. "You're right. And the lack of prey confuses me, too."

I rise my head, knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep. I glance at Raff and Keala, they're both exchanging confused and fearful looks. I'm confused, too, but I try not to think too hard about it. Maybe its just a weather shift. 

"Raff, make sure Una and Derray are comfortable. If we have to, we might have to shelter in their den."

Raff nods and jumps to his feet, but as he comes to Croan's side, he pauses. "And Mink?"

I can feel Croan's frustration from the back of the den. "Just make sure they're okay."

Raff flattens his large ears and bounds from the den outside into the wind, Croan watching him intently. Then the leader turns back to us, eyes downwards. "Get back to sleep. We'll hunt at sunrise."

While Croan runs back to his den, the rest of wolves settle back into sleep, shifting closer to each other for warmth. I watch, but I don't feel the calling of sleep. Apparently Kent doesn't either, because he nudges my shoulder with his nose and whispers, "If you can't sleep either, you can come join me. I can't stay here."

He rises to his paws and jumps over to the end of the den, putting his front paw out in the open. He looks back, waiting patiently for me. I rise stiffly from the nest, wanting to stay in the lingering warmth, but I know I won't stay warm. 

Kent and I bound out of the camp, the wind whipping at our faces and making my eyes water. After a while, Kent turns so that the wind is at our side rather than our faces. The forest is dark; the moon hidden behind large clouds. It takes a moment for my eyes to become adjusted, just in time for me to bound over a fallen tree. I land loudly on my front paws, causing pine straw and leaves to fly in front of me. I hear Kent laugh as leaves barricade my eyes, causing me to whip my head back and forth.

"I'll kick leaves in your face if you laugh again!" I growl playfully, running alongside Kent. 

He laughs purposely, looking me straight in the face. I narrow my eyes and run ahead of him, stretching my legs farther to gain more ground. Speeding ahead, I see Kent try to catch up, but I'm faster. Once I'm far enough, I slam my front paws into the ground and whip around to face Kent, whose coming barreling towards me. His eyes widen in surprise when he realizes I'm turned towards him, shoulder hunched to make myself appear larger. 

At the last moment, he swerves to the side, catching me off guard.

"Hey!" I yell. "That's cheating!"

I hear Kent laugh as he speeds away, disappearing in the darkness of the undergrowth. That's when the forest grows silent, and my ears are blocked from hearing anything because of the howling wind. I stay in the small area, expecting Kent to burst out the bushes in a surprise tackle. 

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