Chapter 12

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As we sprinted ro the clearing I pulled out the necklace Jasper had given me on our one year anniversary. I had stuck it in my pocket since I already had a necklace on and you know, too many accessories can totally clash an outfit. Forever 1949 was inscribed on the outside of the heart. I ran my thumb over it and as I studied it a wolf ran passed me. It scared me and I stopped short the chain breaking on the necklace and the pendant fell to the ground. It busted open amd a small, delicatetly folded up sheet of paper fell out. I unfolded it and scanned the sheet. "Alice, Before you found me, I thought I knew life. I was wrong. I knew only bloodshed and destruction. I thought I knew how it felt to live. I didn't. I knew only a mundane and grey existence. You gave me hope where before there was none. You gave me sunshine where before there was darkness, and you showed me that life is not only something to be endured, but enjoyed. "

"At the height of my depression, I passed my days in an impermeable fog of disillusionment and I could not see a way throught to the other side. Had I known you were there waiting for me I would have pushed through the mist to get to you sooner. Nietzche once said, 'He who has a why to live can bear almost any how'. You are my 'why' and although I can not see what lies ahead Iknow that foe the first time in decades I am at peace ans content and hopeful. I love and I'll follow anywhere you lead, always. A year ago today you found me, thank you Alice, for bringing meaning to my life. For making me alive." I finished reading. "Jasper." Oh, my god, I thought to myself. This, this note I never knew about, it changes everything.

Esme passed me then and slowed down to a stop. "Come on Alice we have to hurry," she whispered. In response I handed her the note. As she read I picked up all the shards of my heart oendant. It looked like my actual heart. Broken in to a million jagged pieces, only this heart was pure gold and mu heart was anything but pure or golden. I was despicable. I held the shards in my hand and rocked on my heels. Esme opened her mouth to ask why this letter was signifigant now and I beat her to the punch line.

"I thought it was a pendant, I never knew it was a locket. I had never seen that note before today, before a few seconds ago." I whispered still in shock.

She nodded her head and helped me to my feet. "Alice I understand how important this is but Aro the Volturi are coming we have to hurry, Jasper will be fine as will you, okay?" Esme handed me the letter and embraced me. "He really loves you. "

I started running, tucking the note in my left cup of my bra with the piece of fabric and nodded. That note had reminded me of how much I meant to him, to Jasper. It was as if God was sending me a message. "Yeah," I agreed. "He just gave me something to fight for."

We reached the clearing a little late and Esme quickly joined Carlisle. I went and stood awkwardly by myself. Edward and Bella hugged and kissed their daughter and put her on Jacob's back, in front of Charlie. Sue was already back in La Push where she knew the location of Jasper ans where Charlie was headed. Edward then clutched Bella and kissed her furiously. Kate was kissing Garrett with a little more passion and fire and spark, if I do say so. Carmen and Eleazer stared in to each other's eyes with some passion and adorement it was intimate and I felt like I should look away. Rosalie and Emmetr were swallowing each other as usual and Carlisle was kissing Esme with so much fire I wanted to be grossed out but it was so sweet and beautiful. Zafrina, Senna, and Kachiri all hugged and held hands. Zafrina who was on the end reached out and I locked my hand with hers and my other I reched out to Tanya who stood next to me. She reached out and held hands with Jedidiah who held hands with Laura who held hands with a boy from the Amazon group until everyone was connected in a large circle of hand hilding. Bella then exhulted her forcefield and everyone was covered.

Then as the Bolturi stepped in to view Garrett repeated his famous words, "The redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming."

"Bastardlly devils," Drake hissed under his breath.

Ellen seemed lost as she held hands with Carlisle. Her happy mood was gone and apparently she was not using her gift at the moment. She anxiously stared at our approaching oppenent. Please be safe, Jasper, I prayed. I'll fight but I know how this ends. I love you Jasper. The Volturi spread out until the thirty three of them that would fight were arranged in a V formation. They had not brought any witnesses, strange.

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