Chapter 27

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Hundreds and hundreds of books were stacked over one another, each one containing colorful notes slipped in between pages. The sound of clicking pen and the swift flipping of pages was all that was heard.

Lhexi sat on the floor with her legs crossed, her fist encasing a pen while supporting her chin and on her other hand was a book. Her eyes moved speedily from side to side, taking her less than a minute to flip to another page.

"Hmm...", she furrowed her eyebrows in slight annoyance before clicking her pen again. She bit her lower lip as angry veins pop on her forehead before she finally exploded. "CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT ASUNA?! I'M STUDYING HERE!"

The voice in her head just laughed, very much contented at the girl's displeasure.

Mah. It's so boring here~


HaBAiiTaRAAhh MoTTooRaNait---!

"Shut up and just tell me what you want!", Lhexi shouted, if she could have seen Asuna's grin, she would have murdered her already.

Let's switch~

Lhexi sighed for the nth time today before rolling her eyes. "Anything but that."


Alexa found her eyes glued back on the book. "You're dangerous. And I don't know what you might do."

The voice in her head scoffed before it hid itself, silence lingering in the darkness surprising even Lhexi. She just sighed again but this time relieved, silently thanking the god out there.

She finished reading a couple number of books about the Shinobi World in a short span of time before she finally stood up and stretched her sore muscles. Quickly picking up her black yukata on the floor, she wore it and fixed herself up and checked if she had all the materials she needs. Ranging from shurikens, kunai knives, paperbombs, soldier pills, and different sets of clothes sealed in a scroll. 

As she was about to open the door out of her apartment, she looked back and glanced at the sword she got from Kenma. Smiling to herself, she rushed back and attached it on her back before finally getting out before locking the door.

She hummed happily, excited for the Chunin exams for she would finally be able to fight and/or slaughter some kids. As long at they're not canon characters, she doesn't really care. She still have her own problems to deal with, including that was her bloodlust to kill.

Walking alone on the empty halls of the building, not a sound was heard for her steps was quiet. She turned to the right only to bump into someone, her face buried to the man's sturdy chest, secretly inhaling his manly scent.

'I didn't sense him...'


Lhexi sighed at the voice that once appeared.

She stepped back a little, rubbing her nose before looking up. "Gomenasai...I wasn't looking properly...", her eyes widened at the sight of his face.

Alexa's POV


It felt like Asuna's and I's voices merged for split second. And one thing that I noticed was how innocent, fragile and broken her voice was. It didn't sounded like how I usually hear her voice.

Anyway, I have to focus on this hot man infront of me. It surprised me that I didn't break down.

He looks just like in the past, only taller and a lot more masculine, his ripping muscles were visible under his dark green jacket. His brown velvety hair that can make girls jealous, was longer it went passed his waist as it was tied into a low ponytail. His eyes that used to be so soft and so warm now looked completely lifeless and cold.

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