Chapter 36

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Y/n Pov

Today is Monday and we decided to drive to the record label immediately after breakfast before we don't get it again.

So we both took a shower and wet downstairs already dressed for the day, as we came into the kitchen Maggie was standing there making Coffee so I asked her if she could also make one for Billie and me, which she then did and i thanked her.

Billie and I both made us some breakfast and ate it all up and Maggie then asked what we had planned for today so I told her that we will drive to the record label  and talk with them about some stuff.

She nodded and we were done with breakfast do we washed the dirty dishes really quick and then told them that we will be gone now, so we said our goodbyes and then went out and got into the Car.

Today Billie is driving and let me tell you she looks unbelievable sexy driving especially when she drives back how she holds the steering wheel with one hand and the other behind my head rest it is just wow.

She then took a quick glance over and told me you know that starring isn't nice, I blushed an looked out of the window as she cooed aww is my Baby blushing and I blushed even more but told her "No".

We then decided to put some music on and jammed to them and it is always really fun to drive with Billie it is never boring.

We still had a bit of time before we will get there and decided to play some stupid car games that you actually can play while driving, we then after a bit sat there in comfortable silence with Billie's right hand resting on my thigh lightly squeezing it.

As we finally found a parking lot we got out and took all of our papers and walked to the building, as we got there we went in and walked up to the secretary and she asked us what we are here for and we told her that we are here because of the contracts and then told her our names and she then told us to sit down over there she pointed with her pencil into the direction where some chairs were standing.

We thanked her and went over to the chairs and sat down, we sat there for about 20 minutes but then someone came up to us and told us to follow them.

We then were led into a meeting room and we got told to sit down and that they will be here in a few minutes, Billie and I sat down next to each other and holding our hand under the table because we both are nervous.

After some time a few people came in and we stood up to greed them and they all told us their names, as we were done we sat down again and they started and asked if we had any questions.

We told them yes and asked one of our questions "Is it a problem that we are Gay?"we asked that because we don't want to work with homophobe people and they told us that it is no problem at all.

We asked them some more questions also if we would do tours or anything like that at some point and then we spoke about some things that we want to change up and they agreed to the changes and so we are happy with how it went so far.

We then signed the Contract and then we were told who our Manager would be and that if we have some new songs that we should send them to them so we could maybe do an EP or even an Album,  but they also told us if we don't send something on our own we will have a deadline until we have to be done.

We then meet some more people from the Team and then were allowed to go home after about 4-5 hours and it was exhausting and I'm hungry as fuck.

Buy this time I will drive because when Billie is hungry she drives faster than she should because she wants to get food as soon as possible, so as we drove Billie fell asleep next to me and I decided to stop at Taco Bell to get some food.

She was still sleeping as I ordered but I just ordered her usual and then payed for the food and picked it up as soon as Billie heard the sounds the bag makes she shot up (basically like a dog when you open a bag of chips or so).

She ripped the bag out of my Hand and started to eat as I tried to take some of my Food she took the bag away, and I whined and told her "Billie I also got some food for me so please give me something I haven't eaten as long as you haven't.

She slowly gave me the bag and I started to eat too, as we were done we drove back home and immediately went to her room and let us fall in a food coma.

After I don't know how long we felt two people sitting down on the Bed next to us and the started hitting us with our pillows.

As we sat up there were Finneas and Claudia sitting smiling at us and they asked us how it went and we told them we signed the contract and are now on their team.

Both of them scream and Claudia squealed so that Maggie and Patrick came up and asked what has happened, Finneas and Claudia told them and now everyone was smiling and congratulate us and then told us that we have to celebrate that.

But we told them that we can do that tomorrow because we are still full and we are still tired and want to sleep further, they agreed and Maggie told us that we should maybe change our clothes then to be more comfortable and I looked down and saw that we still had the same clothes on and than agreed to Maggie and then we told them good night.

Billie and I quickly changed our clothes then layed down in the bed and talked about what we could all possibly do in the future and the fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles on our faces.

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