The two slept through the night impossibly intertwined in each others embrace. Ivy was the first to wake, she rolled over and pressed her face into Lucius's chest groaning as her head pounded. She couldn't remember much of the night before and wasn't even sure how she got back to the manor let alone in bed with Lucius again. Lucius stirred and placed his hand gently on the back of her head stroking it with his thumb, "that bad huh?" he chuckled with a deep sleep filled voice. "Mhm" she groaned.
"Suits you right, do you have any idea how late you were out and that you apparated while drunk!?" he scolded lightly. Ivy's eyes widened, apparating while drunk was the equivalent to driving drunk in the muggle world. "I.....I......I...." she began to panic. "Wand?" he asked. "What?" she asked. "Your wand Ivy. I am going to erase the apparition spell off your wand and move it to mine so if the ministry does an inquiry it will show that you apparated with me!" he said sternly.
She pushed herself out of the comfort of her bed her head spun terribly she looked at her clothes strewn into a pile on the floor her wand laid atop of her pants. She grabbed it and handed it to Lucius who was now sitting up in her bed. He began to mutter a bunch of incantations and then looked over at Ivy, "Go get my cane from my room so I can transfer the spell over to my wand." he said. Ivy walked out of the room and walked into Lucius's bedroom and found his cane and hurried back into her room.
She handed the cane to Lucius and he hastily pulled his wand from the base of his cane and sat it on his lap. He muttered a few inaudible incantations and then sighed. "This should work for now.... Ivy you cannot be this reckless, the ministry has such a close eye on these types of things..." he said sternly. "I am sorry I just got carried away...." she said quietly. "And as for the company you saw last night, the Weasley's? Really?" he said staring at her. "No, you don't get to do that to me, Fred and George, wait no the ENTIRE Weasley family is like another family to me! I grew up with them, I do not care what you think about them I will not remove them from my life again!" she spat tears threatening to spill over her eyes.
Lucius watched as Ivy practically shook with rage, "Do not use that tone with me Little one you do not know what I am capable of..." he said in a very dark stern tone. "Then don't ask me to drop someone from my life that means so much to me. If you cared about me at all you would see what they mean to me." she hissed on the brink of yelling. Lucius stood up and walked over to Ivy and took her chin roughly in his hand, "Watch. Your. Tone brat" he said as he dug his fingers into the sides of her cheek causing her to wince. "y....yes sir" she stuttered out. "Good girl" he said releasing her face from his grasp.
"Now, I will not ask you to drop them from your live but I do expect you to let me know when you are visiting them. I have something I am going to give you later that will constantly connect your thoughts with me. So wherever you are I will know if you are in any sense of danger and it will also let me know of your location immediately. I can't have my little one out and about without me knowing if she is safe." he smirked. "Y...your little one?" she stuttered out. "Mhm, gotta put a name to this can't just be going around having meaningless sex. You. Are. Mine" he said.
A chill shot down her spine at the words oozing off his tongue, she was his and he was hers. A real relationship something she always craved, something she never had with a man, just only once with a boy at Hogwarts. She liked the idea of being his one and only, she liked the idea of him being hers and having a relationship with him. "Interesting thoughts you have there little one." he smirked slyly. He ran his fingers through her hair gently, "Now come I want to give you that necklace." he said.
Ivy followed Lucius into the hall and then into his room she followed behind him. He walked into his room and went to the wardrobe and opened the top right drawer and pulled out a little black cardboard box. He handed it to Ivy who slowly opened it inside was a black amethyst crystal hanging from a silver chain. She ran her fingertips over the smooth surface of the crystal she had never seen a black amethyst before, she knew of them but they were also extremely rare and obtained enough power to host some very dark magic. She looked up at Lucius who was smiling down at her, "Like it?" he asked.
She nodded slowly, "This is a black amethyst where ever did you find this?" she asked. "Knockturn Alley my sweet little one, and Severus put an enchantment on it for me so it can link me to it so I can know your thoughts and whereabouts at all times. Want me to help you put it on?" he asked with a smile.
She nodded and gently pulled the necklace out handing it to Lucius, she spun around and he lightly pushed her hair out of the way of her neck. He seated the necklace around the front of her neck and then let his hands gently graze the bare skin of her neck. He fastened the clasp of the necklace and let it fall gently around her neck, the amethyst sat a few inches above her cleavage of her breasts. Lucius leaned down and planted a very gently kiss in the crook of her neck. "My my my, look at my pretty little kitten" he muttered.
A shiver rippled through her body as she felt his lips right above her pulse in her neck. She pressed into the kiss and he chuckled, "I love when you fall apart for me at just the slightest touch of my lips." he hummed into her ear. He ran his tongue down the length of her neck causing her to squirm under his grasp, "Lucius" she muttered breathlessly. "I love the way my name slips off your tongue" he said seductively in her ear.
Ivy spun around quickly on her heels so she was facing him, he was staring down at her with his piercing grey eyes. She stared up at him his eyes flicking between her eyes and lips, his eyes landed on hers and he brought his hand up to her cheek cupping it softly before pressing his lips to hers feverishly. "Your mine now you understand that?" he said pulling his lips away from hers.
She nodded slightly and went to go kiss him again when his expression changed. "Lucius?" she asked. "Fuck, I totally forgot today is the meeting of the Death Eaters.... we still have monthly meetings.... so everyone is going to be here today... Including your bastard father.." he growled. Ivy's face heated up and nerves spread over her body, her breath hitched in her throat. She didn't know about the monthly death eaters meeting and she DEFINITELY didn't know her father was still attending them.
Lucius searched her thoughts and could feel her fear and apprehension that spread over her body. "I would tell you to hang out with Draco for the day but hes attending the meeting as well.... the only thing I can think of to ensure your safety is if you sit in on the meeting with me." he said quietly. Ivy stared at him with wide eyes, "Lucius I can't! That's secretive and sacred!" she cried out. "No one will say a word if you are there with me. I promise. I do not trust having a house full of death eaters and you not being in my sight." he said in a soft tone.
Her hands were visibly trembling, she had never been in the presence of all the death eaters other than at the battle of hogwarts. Flashbacks began to switch through her head, she could hear the screams of her fellow classmates ringing in her ears, explosions of the stone castle getting hit by hex's and then crumbling. The smell of ash filled her senses, watching Fred get struck by the collapsing wall and falling to the ground lifelessly. The sounds of the broken cries of the Weasley's filled her ears. The sight of all her friends and professors laid out on the ground deceased.
She felt Lucius's strong grasp on her shoulders shaking her lightly, "Ivy woah hey. IVY" he hollered out. Ivy felt like she was back in the middle of the battle, her heart was racing as she could literally feel the static in the air from the hex's that were thrown at the battle. She was pulled from her thoughts when Lucius shook her again. Tears were flowing down her face rapidly as she frantically looked around the room realizing where she was at. Lucius looked alarmed at her actions, "Little one are you alright? What the hell was all that?" he asked.
She took a moment to collect herself then looked back up at Lucius, "Flashback" she mumbled. This had happened a few times before these flashbacks were induced by triggering memories. She had spoken to a few wizard therapists who tried to erase the memories from her brain but they were permanently etched into her core memories. They ended up diagnosing her with a muggle mental illness known as post traumatic stress disorder.